Page 36 of Always You

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“So? Spill!” Laura said as soon as she had Star alone.

“Your wish came true.” Star sighed. “Damian came to the office and Skylar showed him her scrap book. The truth came out, or should I say Skylar told him the truth. He helped Skylar finish her scrap book while I finished my work, and we went for pizza, before Marcus drove us home.”

“Melt my out of action ovaries,” Laura said, fanning herself.

Star looked confused, until Laura huffed. “He helped Skylar with her scrap book. That, I would love to have seen.”

Star shook her head at her friend. “That was all you got out of that statement.”

“Well, it had to come out sooner or later. I’m glad it was sooner. Now down to the juicy gossip. How come Damian was sitting comfortably at our kitchen table at eight-thirty this morning?”

Star felt herself blush. “Skylar fell asleep in the car, so Damian carried her in and helped me put her to bed. Mary needed Marcus, so he left, and Damian and I started talking.”

“Well, my friend, you looked thoroughly loved up this morning, so I’m taking a lot more than talking happened? Is your spell of celibacy officially at an end?”

Star felt her colour deepen further.

“Oh, lighten up, you look like a naughty teenager caught out by her parents. Toby and I are happy for you,” Laura said, grinning. “So, what happens next?”

“I have no idea,” Star said honestly. “When I woke up this morning, he wasn’t next to me, so I assumed last night was closure sex. After this morning, I have no idea. I’m not sure what it can be, if I’m honest. Damian lives in the US. I live here. What future do we have?”

Laura looked at Star like she’d grown a second head. “Since when do you give up? If you and Damian are worth fighting for, then fight! You should never have split up in the first place, but I’m not going back over my thoughts on that. It looks like he’s great with Skylar. She’s already halfway in love with him. Open yourself up, Star. Take a chance. There is only one chance in life. If nothing else, you should understand that – you had a front row seat!” Laura stopped, and Star knew her face showed the devastation she was feeling inside. “I’m sorry,” Laura said, hugging her friend.

“No, you’re right. But it’s not just what I want. I have no idea what Damian wants,” she said, looking out of the window as the two men and Skylar’s laughter filtered through. “I don’t even know if he’s single, Laura. Last night happened. This morning happened. It was amazing, better than amazing, but I can’t hold my hopes on it being something more.” Star looked back at her friend, before adding, “I have Skylar to consider. It isn’t just about what I want anymore.” Taking a deep breath, Star said, “I’m just going to enjoy it while I can and protect my heart as much as possible. I never was strong enough to resist him.” Her gaze flitted back to the window, and Damian looked up, as if sensing her. Damian shot her a smile that went straight to her heart. A frown appeared between his brow as if he could read the fear in her expression. Seeing his concern, she smiled and blew him a kiss, which he pretended to catch, his attention then drawn back to Skylar, who was asking another question.

For all her brave words, Star knew she was in trouble. Last night had made her realise, it wasn’t Skylar who’d kept her single. It was Damian.

After their heart to heart in the kitchen, Laura backed off and everyone enjoyed the afternoon. Damian stayed late into the evening, catching up on the past seven years of gossip, and telling Toby about his life in New York. It was like old times, although this time Toby and Laura were married rather than simply her best friends. Somehow, Damian hadn’t been surprised they’d finally got together. He’d seen their attraction years ago.

“You could have given me the heads up, mate!” Toby grumbled, pulling his wife in for a hug. “This one gave me the cold shoulder for years – she keeps telling me she was playing hard to get!”

When it was time, Damian helped get Skylar ready for bed, reading her one of the books they’d purchased the day before. To encourage Skylar to read with him, Damian promised he’d read three pages if she read one. She happily agreed until her eyes were rolling round her head. In a sleepy voice, she asked Damian if he’d be there for pancakes again in the morning. He’d told her he couldn’t, as he needed to get home to see his father, but that he’d see her again soon. Star’s heart melted as she watched him lean down and kiss her daughter’s head before tucking her duvet round her. Backing out of the door, he closed it behind him before taking Star once again in his arms. They’d been restrained all day, trying not to be too tactile in front of Skylar. It had nearly killed Star to stay away from him. He was like a drug – one fix wasn’t going to be nearly enough.

Star’s hands wound their way round his neck and buried in his hair. “Do you have to rush off?” she asked, raising herself up and placing her lips against his. Damian deepened their kiss, until they were both breathless and panting. He didn’t hold back or try to hide his desire, his mouth devouring hers, before making its way down her neck and into the sensitive hollow at the base of her neck.

“I can stay for a little while, but I should probably get back and ensure Mum hasn’t buried Dad under the patio,” Damian said, chuckling into her skin.

“Oh no!” Star said. “I’d completely forgotten your dad was back home.”

“Good,” Damian said with a grin, “it means I’ve distracted you.” He pulled her body back to his, manoeuvring them both into her bedroom.

Heat flooded Star’s body, her newly awakened libido showing no signs of letting up. Damian had reawakened a longing she thought had been extinguished. How wrong could she have been. He’d awakened a monster, one who had been asleep for far too long and needed feeding.

Chapter Twelve

Damian and Star lay encased in each other’s arms, each unwilling to release the other. Damian finally raised his head, dropping a kiss on Star’s nose, before gently pulling away and stepping into her en suite. Star lay staring at the ceiling, unable to fathom how this had happened and where they were headed. Before Star could think too deeply, Damian returned to the bed, pulling Star into his arms.

“I’m not staying, but I would like to just hold you for a while,” Damian said against her hair.

A warmth spread through Star’s chest. Maybe they did have a future. Maybe he wasn’t as immune to her.

“I’d like that,” Star whispered, settling back onto his chest, her hand resting above his heart, drawing lazy circles on his skin. Star found her eyes growing heavy, Damian’s rhythmic heartbeat forcing her to relax. She swore she heard Damian tell her he had missed her, and life hadn’t been the same without her. But she was too far gone to know whether that was her dream or reality, because when she woke a few hours later, the bed next to her was cold and empty. A note left on the pillow told her he would call her.

Star’s heart sank. They’d been caught in a weekend dream, but reality was edging back in and fast. Lucas was home and on the mend; it wouldn’t be long before Damian would be heading back across the water. Where would that leave her and Skylar? Within twenty-four hours, Skylar had already become attached to Damian, reading with him, asking him to help her rather than asking Star, Toby, or Laura. What would happen when he left? Her six-year-old would be left with a gaping hole in her life and she’d be left to pick up the pieces.

A painful realisation dawned on her as Star stared at the empty place beside her. How was she going to be able to help Skylar when her own life would be hollow without him in it? To the world, Damian was an eligible bachelor, gracing magazines in the US and sometimes the UK, attending red-carpet events and rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. Star, on the other hand, was a single mum from a dysfunctional family, still living in her best friends’ house. Damian had always been from a rich family, an enigma who’d bucked the trend and had her falling head-first in love with him. Damian had never worn his family wealth on his sleeve; he’d always been grounded, preferring the local curry house to dining at The Ivy.

They’d met during Star’s Freshers Week. The university had set up a meet and greet where the freshers could talk to students in their final year. Star had been set to miss it, not really interested in listening to others’ opinions. She was there because she wanted to be; she’d researched all the courses and this was the best. In her mind, that was all she needed to know at the time. Her new friends and course mates had other ideas, though. It was Freshers Week – a time to spread your wings, drink far too much, and get laid. Star had no intention of doing any of those things, but Lily convinced her she needed to put herself out there and make new friends. No one at university knew her family history and she could finally move past the snickering and gossip they’d both been plagued with since childhood. University was going to be lonely if she made no friends, so after some convincing, she went along with the crowd.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic