Page 35 of Always You

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For the first time, Damian didn’t freeze at Toby’s name. Star relaxed. Damian had believed her when she said it had been for show. Toby was her friend and nothing more. Toby had been in love with Laura for as long as she could remember, their love having had its own ups and downs, and Star had made that clear to Damian last night.

The three of them sat around the kitchen table, with Skylar chatting as if this were a normal occurrence. Star couldn’t believe the situation she was now in. How had they gone from enemies to lovers overnight?

The clattering of keys and the banging of the front door shattered the idyllic family picture. Star shot Damian an anxious look as Laura and Toby sauntered into the kitchen, drawing up short at the scene in front of them.

“Uncle Toby, Aunty Laura, we’re having pancakes!” Skylar said, breaking the ice.

“Ooh, with maple syrup, my favourite,” Toby said, sending Skylar into fits of giggles as she protected her pancake from Toby, who had started to stalk towards her. Toby grinned as he stood over Skylar, shooting a raised eyebrow look at Star. “This looks very cosy,” he said, making a pointed effort of looking at his watch to show how early it was for visitors.

“We weren’t expecting you back until this evening,” Star said.

“Obviously,” Laura said, grinning. “Mum and Dad have developed a leak overnight and their kitchen is flooded. I wanted to stay and help, but Mum wouldn’t hear of it. ‘You’re pregnant! You can’t be crawling round on the floor or pulling out cupboards!’” Laura said mimicking her mum’s voice almost perfectly, which made Skylar giggle even more. “As she was stressing over me and the baby and the leak, we decided to head home and get out of the way while they wait for the plumber.”

“There are plenty for you, too,” Skylar said, jumping up and pulling her aunt and uncle towards the table, no longer afraid Toby would steal her pancakes.

“That’s okay, squidge,” Toby said rustling her hair. “We’ve had our breakfast, but it’s kind of you to offer.”

Damian had remained silent, letting the scene unfold in front of him.

“Good to see you again, Damian.” It was Laura’s turn to break the ice.

“Morning Laura, Toby,” Damian said. “Sorry about the mess. We will be clearing up. Skylar has kept me well informed of the rules of the kitchen.” Damian stood up and held his hand out to Toby. Toby looked surprised but accepted it as Damian added, “I’m sorry about the other day. No hard feelings.”

“I take it a certain misunderstanding has been cleared up?” Toby said, directing his question at Star.

Star looked sheepish. “Yes.”

“Good,” he said, scooping Skylar up and heading for the door. “We have some presents for this little munchkin, from Laura’s mum and dad,” he said winking at Star as he removed a squealing Skylar from the kitchen before being quickly followed by Laura, who very obviously shut the door behind her.

Damian wasted no time in pulling her against him, her thin robe offering no protection against his hard body.

“Hum,” he whispered, his lips against her neck, working their way towards the sensitive area under her ear. “Good morning.”

Groaning at the sensations that were firing through her body, Star wrapped her hands around Damian’s neck, pulling him closer. It didn’t take long before their lips collided and his tongue dipped between her swollen lips. A knock on the kitchen door had them leaping apart. The door remained closed, although Toby’s voice shouted through: “We’re taking Skylar out to grab a milkshake.”

Her colour high at the fact her friends knew exactly what she was up to, Star coughed, her voice sounding as dishevelled as she felt. “Great, thanks. Have fun.”

“You, too. We’ll be at least an hour!” came Toby’s reply.

Damian pulled her back to him as the front door shut. “Toby is fast becoming my new favourite person,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the kitchen door and up the stairs.

Star went with him eagerly. She knew Toby, Laura, and Skylar would be gone at least an hour, if that’s what Toby had said. Her best friends would keep her daughter entertained, so she could have some grown-up time.

“Mine too,” Star replied, feeling free and content for the first time in a long time.


Toby and Laura finally returned two hours later with a barbecue box from the local butcher, Skylar’s favourite magazine, and a bag full of salad bits from the local greengrocer. He even whipped out a paddling pool for Skylar, shrugging when Star pulled a face at the amount of money they had obviously spent on her daughter.

“You spoil her!” Star moaned at Toby.

“Wasn’t me this time,” Toby said, pointing at his wife.

“Nope, it was all me.” Laura winked. “Damian and Toby can spend some time setting it up while you and I prepare the salad and marinades,” she said, linking her arm through Star’s and dragging her towards the kitchen. “Plus, its glorious weather and this pregnant woman wants to dip her feet!”

“Sneaky!” Star said, laughing, as both the men were led outside by a very enthusiastic Skylar.

Star and Laura set to work in the kitchen, listening to the men laughing and joking in the garden, while being directed by Skylar. It reminded her of their university days when Damian and Toby had been friends, often clowning around together.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic