Page 34 of Always You

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Damian’s thigh moved between hers. “Is this what you need?” he asked, as his hand slid over the silk barrier, his mouth returning to hers. Star let out a whimper of desperation he teased her delicate and aching flesh through the material, while devouring her mouth.

Stars hips thrust upward, a groan of frustration piercing the air.Star’s legs spread further apart, silently begging for more. Damian pulled the material to one side, exposing her moist heat, his fingers slowly sliding into her delicate softness. Star’s eyes slammed shut at the sensations overriding her body, as Damian’s skilful fingers demolished the last of her control. She could no longer think, only feel.

Clawing at his shoulders and back, tension built throughout her body, her legs shaking as her body readied itself for release. Star shattered and Damian absorbed her cry with his mouth, her body wracked with the mini detonations that flooded her system. Coming down, she opened her eyes, to find Damian staring down at her.

“I love watching you come apart in my arms,” he said, dropping his mouth to hers. This kiss was gentle and slow. Star lowered her hand between them and ran a finger up Damian’s rigid length. Damian grabbed her hand to stop her.

“I want to be inside you,” he murmured, drawing her hand to his mouth and gently kissing her palm.

Star pulled back, shimming out of her panties, her eyes never leaving Damian’s. Damian stood up, removing his own underwear before grabbing his wallet and pulling out a condom. Star took the gift from his hand and made quick work of disposing of the wrapping. This was the ritual they had always had. Leaning forward she dropped a kiss to the head of his swollen shaft before quickly sheathing him.

Damianmoaned as he moved between Star’s legs, rocking against her, the hard swell of his arousal leaving Star in no doubt of his desire for her. Damian looked into her eyes as he slowly pushed himself into her warmth, his eyes glazed with need. Star and Damian moaned in unison as their bodies finally came together. Star’s eyes widened, her body stretching to accommodate him after so many years. She pushed up, needing, wanting more, as the tell-tale rise of tension began to build again at her core. Star wrapped her legs around Damian’s waist, his arms encircled her, drawing her closer locking her in a ring of passion, as if he wanted to absorb her into himself. Damian’s pace picked up, and he buried his head in her neck, gently nipping and sucking, as their bodies moved in unison. The sensation of him moving deep inside her after so long was enough to send Star spirallingover the edge once more. Damian’s body froze and then shuddered, as he emptied himself deep within her core. Star held on tight kissing his neck and shoulders until his release stopped, and they were both left exhausted.

Damian pulled back and looked deep into Star’s eyes. A single tear escaped, which he caught on his finger, a look of concern crossing his face.

“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” Damian asked.

Star smiled and gently touched his face. “No, you didn’t hurt me – that was a tear of passion. I don’t think my body understands the pleasure it’s just received.”

Relief washed over his features and Damian leant forwards, kissing her nose before pulling out and disposing of the condom in her bathroom.

When Damian re-entered the room, Star was once again able to appreciate how truly beautiful he was. His body had filled out since they were last together. He grinned under her gaze before climbing onto the bed next to her, pulling the covers back over them both.


Star stretched out, finding the space beside her cold and empty. Damian must have left at some point in the night, their lovemaking having exhausted her to the point that she hadn’t even been aware of him leaving. Opening her eyes, she stared at the indent where his head had been, running her fingers gently over the pillow, and her heart quickened at the thought of what they’d done. Moving to get up and check on Skylar, Star was aware of her own body, a tenderness that reminded her how well loved she had been. Damian had never been a selfish lover, and their time apart had made him even less so. She didn’t want to think about where that experience had come from, but she wasn’t going to complain.

They’d talked well into the night, until sheer exhaustion had dragged her under. They’d talked about Lily and Skylar. Star had told him there had been no one else in her life since him, and he’d been shocked. When he’d started to speak, she’d placed a finger over his lips to silence him. She didn’t need to hear about his past conquests; she’d read about them in Laura’s magazines, even when Laura thought she’d hidden them from her. Damian was quite the sought-after bachelor in New York, with supermodels and actresses often accompanying him to red-carpet events. Star didn’t need to feel any more insecure. She was a nobody in comparison to the string of beautiful women in his life. Last night had been her farewell to Damian, the way it always should have been. She didn’t,couldn’texpect any more from him; he wasn’t hers and their lives were half a world away from each other. When his father was better, Damian would be returning to New York, and Star’s life was here with Skylar. This had been their goodbye. Damian had protested, but Star wanted just one more night. She knew in her heart that she’d never find anyone else who made her feel like Damian Hunt did, but he wasn’t hers. She’d made that choice many years ago when she’d let him go.

A noise in the hall indicated that Skylar was up and awake. Opening her bedroom door, Star was surprised to hear Skylar chatting in the kitchen. Laura and Toby weren’t expected home until later, but Skylar was definitely talking to someone. As she drew closer, she realised the other voice was Damian’s. When Star entered the kitchen, Damian was standing at the hob, making pancakes, while Skylar sat next to him still in yesterday’s clothes. The shock must have been evident on her face, as Damian looked up and grinned.

“Mummy!” Skylar said, noticing Damian’s attention had switched from her. “Damian came back. We were making you breakfast in bed!”

“Thank you,” Star said, glancing shyly at Damian, her stomach jumping at the sight of him making pancakes with her daughter after last night.

“You look well rested,” Damian said, flipping the latest pancake and adding it to the growing pile.

“I am, thank you. I slept remarkably well,” Star said, heat flooding her cheeks.

Damian’s eyes darkened in response. He knew how well she’d slept and why. The draw to kiss him was almost too great, but her gaze caught on her daughter, whose eyes were flipping back and forth between the two of them.

Star clapped her hands to deflect Skylar’s attention. “Well, these look delicious,” she said, grabbing a couple of plates from the cupboard and moving next to Damian. She leaned past him to snag a pancake. His hand brushed against her backside, sending a shot of desire straight to her core. Star swallowed a groan, closing her eyes briefly before pushing back into his hand. Skylar continued to talk excitedly the other side of Damian, unaware her mother had become a slave to this man. Star shot Damian a look. His touch was reigniting parts she thought would have been exhausted from last night, but her body clearly had other ideas. His gaze darkened as it dropped lower; her nipples had pebbled against her dressing gown. Star could feel the tension emanating from Damian’s body. Maybe she wasn’t the only one affected by last night. He was still here, standing in her kitchen, after all.

Skylar had decided the grown-ups were taking too long and now had her head stuck in the fridge looking for the lemon and maple syrup. While her back was turned, Star stood on her tiptoes, dropping a quick kiss on Damian’s lips, “Good morning,” she whispered. “I thought you’d gone?”

“No chance,” he whispered back, stealing another quick peck before Skylar turned round. “I just assumed you wouldn’t want Skylar finding me in your bed this morning.”

Star looked ashamed. She hadn’t even thought about that or the effect that might have had on Skylar had she found them together. It was not something that had ever happened in Skylar’s life. Two minutes back in Damian’s arms and she’d stopped thinking, only too happy to have him warming the bed next to her and reigniting her desire.

“Don’t do that,” Damian said, gently rubbing the creases she knew had formed between her brows. “No harm done. I saw to that.”

Star nodded; he was right.

Skylar turned back from the fridge. “Mummy, we don’t have any maple syrup.”

“Yes, we do,” Star said, happy for the distraction. “It’s in the cupboard. We need a new one. Uncle Toby finished the last one.”

Skylar grinned and turned to Damian. “Uncle Toby always finishes the maple syrup – it’s his favourite.”

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic