Page 27 of Always You

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“It was fun. Andrew was good company, and we had a lovely afternoon with our daughters.” Star decided not to embellish. Yes, he’d been in contact with her since. But she wasn’t sure what that meant and didn’t want to read anything more into it. Plus, she wasn’t sure if she wanted anything more. Did she need the added complication? What would happen if she dated Andrew, and then it all went wrong – where would that leave Skylar and Olivia?

What was she thinking? Her friends had put ideas in her head; she needed to stop this right now.

“Changing the subject,” Star said, “I’m heading over to visit Lucas one evening this week. Mary said Damian has a business meeting so I can visit without any awkwardness.”

Pam pulled up Damian’s diary, “Yes, he has a client dinner on Friday. You’re good to go. You know, if you like this Andrew, then you should go for it. That’s all I’m going to say on the matter.”

Rolling her eyes, Star left Pam at her desk and headed back downstairs.


Laura had volunteered to pick Skylar up after school on Friday, and together they were going to bake some cakes for Laura’s class bake sale. Star had promised to clear up when she got home as a thank you, which Laura and Skylar had jumped at. Star hated to think what kind of mess they’d make together.

Due to the rain, Star decided to take a taxi instead of the tube. When she arrived at the hospital, Star headed straight to Lucas’s floor. His door was shut, so she knocked gently. Mary opened the door, looking much brighter than she had a week ago, but flustered. Lucas, although pale, looked more like Lucas on a day when things were not going his way.

“Maybe you can talk some sense into the stubborn old goat!” Mary said, stepping aside to let Star enter into the room.

“Don’t you ‘old goat’ me, woman,” Lucas huffed. “It’s your fault I’m not at home right now, sitting in my own bed.”

“Well, if I thought you’d stay in bed!”

Star stepped into the room, careful not to position herself between the waring couple.

“Okay, time out,” Star said. “Mary, why don’t you take a break and go and get yourself a coffee. I’m happy to sit with Lucas while you’re downstairs.”

A look of relief passed over Mary’s face. “Don’t put up with any of his nonsense!” she said, before grabbing her bag and heading for the door. “His specialist will be in soon and he needs to do as he’s told. I’ll be back later.”

When Mary left, Star pulled up a chair next to Lucas’s bed, and said, “You must be feeling better.”

“Not really,” Lucas muttered. “Everyone is treating me like I’m made of glass, that I’m broken.”

Star had never before seen Lucas like this, his frustration and helplessness showing through. Since she’d first met him, Lucas had always been a dominant force, someone to be reckoned with. Now he appeared to be a shell of himself – pale and much thinner. The heart attack and surgery had definitely taken its toll.

“Well, it’s for your own good,” Star said. “Everyone loves you, Lucas, and you’ve given them a scare. They only want what’s best for you.” Leaning forwards, she rested her hand on his. He looked into her eyes and Star blinked, realising that Lucas Hunt, CEO of Hunt and Hunt Advertising, was frightened. His mortality was on show for everyone.

Lucas cleared his throat. Removing his hand, he patted Star’s instead.

“How is that little munchkin of yours?” Lucas asked.

“She’s good – she’s sent you some cookies, but I’ll be leaving those with Mary,” Star said, knowing what a secret sweet tooth Lucas had.

“I hear Damian met her,” the sly old goat dropped in, clearly fishing for more information.

Star raised her eyebrow, letting him know she wasn’t fooled by his fishing. “He did. Skylar has a crush. She’s been baking him cookies, too.”

“Always did have a way with the ladies, my son.” A twinkle appeared in Lucas’s eye, but he didn’t add anything else to the conversation. Before Star could reply, there was a knock on the door.

“Evening, Mr Hunt.”

Star spun round at the familiar voice that had entered the room.

“Star? What are you doing here?” Andrew’s eyes latched onto her, although he recovered quickly. “Well, obviously you’re here to see Mr Hunt. How are you this evening, Mr Hunt?”

Lucas looked from one to the other, a frown creasing his brow. “I’m fine, Mr Dennison. Just want to get out of this place. Tell me you’re here to discharge me.” Lucas’s voice had once again taken on its commanding tone. The one Star was familiar with around the office. She was happy to hear he was still in there, even if his body was frail.

“We’ll see,” Andrew said, unfazed by Lucas. “I need to ask you some questions and run a few tests, but I think we should be seeing you going home very soon.”

“I’ll wait outside,” Star said, glancing at Andrew, whose smile sent butterflies loose in her stomach. Feeling a blush rise into her cheeks, Star smiled back and made a quick exit, closing the door behind her. Leaning against the wall, she tried hard to get a grip on her raging libido. Star hadn’t thought about Andrew as a surgeon. Until he’d walked into Lucas’s room, she hadn’t expected to see him in his scrubs at his place of work. Star leant against the wall and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic