Page 26 of Always You

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“I agree, being ‘the single parent’ is hard, even as a woman.” At Andrew’s look of surprise, Star continued, “Skylar spends more time with Laura, Toby, and me than she does with any of the children from school. It’s hard working full-time and trying to arrange playdates. I can’t easily hold them during the week and at weekends, people want to spend their time as a family.”

“Well, if I’m around, I’m happy for Skylar to come back to our house,” Andrew said.

“The same goes for me,” Star said, smiling in return. “I think we better round up these two munchkins before they get too tired.”

“You are welcome, and I hope we can do it again sometime. We can form our own parents club. Single Parents United.”

By the time Andrew drove them home, the two girls were fast asleep in the back of the car. “Thank you again for this afternoon. Our sleeping princesses have enjoyed themselves,” Star said, looking over her shoulder at the two girls.

“Thank you – it’s been fun,” Andrew said as he climbed out. Opening the door, he scooped the sleeping Skylar into his arms and carried her to the front door. Star retrieved the car seat and followed. By the time she caught up, Andrew was handing an exhausted Skylar to Toby on the doorstep, who immediately turned and headed for the stairs.

Star and Andrew stood on the doorstep, staring at each other, neither one sure what to do, until in the end, Star broke the silence, “Catch you soon.”

Touching her arm as a parting gesture, Andrew smiled before he turned and headed back to the car. “See you soon,” he called, before getting back into the car and driving off.


Star jumped at Laura’s appearance behind her.

“Well, what?”

“Don’t play coy with me. How was it?” Laura said.

“We had a great time. The girls have had fun – they exhausted themselves,” Star said, moving into the house.

“I’m talking about you and Andrew?” Laura said. “It looked like he was thinking about kissing you.”

“No, he wasn’t, and were you spying on us?” Star said.

“Guilty,” Laura replied, unashamed.

Star shook her head. “We got on well. We talked a lot. He’s easy to talk to, but before you get any ideas, that was it. We talked, end of. Please don’t make any more of it than it is.”

Laura raised her hands in surrender. One thing about Laura, she knew when to stop pushing.

“How was your day?” Star said, changing the subject.

“Good – we’ve ordered the crib and pushchair,” Laura said, before going on to recount all the baby shopping they’d done over the day. Star tried to concentrate, but her mind kept wandering. It wasn’t to Andrew her thoughts went to, though. She was thinking about Damian.

Chapter Nine

Star had received a number of messages from Andrew over the weekend. His messages had been fun and light-hearted, making her laugh. Laura had even commented about Star smiling more than usual, and Star had to admit when Monday morning came around that her time out with Andrew and the girls had lightened her mood.

Mary had also messaged an update on Lucas’s recovery. Lucas was being kept in, as he’d developed a minor chest infection. His doctors were not too concerned, but his consultant wanted to keep him in for another couple of days, mainly to ensure he rested. Everyone at the hospital had learned Lucas Hunt was a force to be reckoned with, heart attack or not. He was not one to sit idly by and recuperate. If Star didn’t know better, she would put money on Mary having got his heart specialist to keep him in to ensure he had to rest.

Star could hear the desperation in Mary’s message, and promised to come and visit him later in the week.

Over the weekend, Star had had time to think. She’d decided it was best she stay as far away from Damian as she could, so refrained from visiting Pam when she got to work until she knew he’d left the building.

“About time you showed your face, young lady,” Pam said, greeting her with a smile.

“I’m a busy woman, what more can I say,” Star replied with sass, dropping herself into the chair opposite Pam.

“Come on, how did Saturday go?” Pam said sitting forwards, pushing her pile of work to one side.

“It was lovely, the girls had a great time,” Star said.

“That is not what I’m asking. Did you have agreattime?” Pam asked.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic