Page 28 of Always You

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“What are you doing out here?” Star jumped at the sound of Damian’s voice.

“Andrew is in with your father, so I’m giving them some space. I could ask you the same thing. I thought you had a client meeting?” Star stammered.

“It was cut short. AndAndrew?” Damian raised an eyebrow. “You mean Mr Dennison, Dad’s surgeon?”

“Yes, Mr Dennison.” Star’s cheeks were on fire and she once again found herself breathless. What was it about her traitorous body? For years, she’d had her feelings under control – now that seemed to be shot to hell. Two men had entered her life and she was acting like a teenager, all blushes and tongue-tied. “He’s Skylar’s best friend’s dad,” Star added, unsure why she felt the need to clarify to Damian her relationship with Andrew.

“Ah, the good-looking, single surgeon. I bet he sets a few tongues wagging in the playground,” Damian said.

Star smarted at Damian’s dig, surprised at how much he knew about Andrew. “I wouldn’t know. I work and therefore don’t listen to playground gossip.”

They both stared at each other, neither backing down.

“Was he your date?”

“What?” Star felt the colour fly to her cheeks once again.

“He was!” Damian said, as if he’d just uncovered something unpleasant.

“What business is it of yours whom I date,” Star said before realising the trap she’d just walked into. Before either one of them could say anymore, the door opened and Andrew stepped into the corridor.

“All done,” he said, smiling once more at Star, before realising Damian was standing next to her. “Good to see you again, Mr Hunt. Good news, your father is fit for discharge. I have given him strict instructions, which I’ve written down, but other than that, he’ll be free for discharge in the morning.”

“Thank you, Mr Dennison,” Damian answered coldly, his usual warmth missing.

If Andrew noticed, he didn’t let on, smiling once again before heading down the corridor. As Star was about to re-enter Lucas’s room, Andrew turned and said, “Star, may I have a quick word?”

Damian glared at her, making her all the more adamant to speak to Andrew.

“Of course,” she said, smiling at Andrew, before heading down the corridor.

“Sorry to pull you away,” he said, not looking in the slightest bit sorry, “but I’m off-duty in half an hour and was wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat? I have my car, so I can drive you home afterwards.”

“That would be lovely.” She’d enjoyed his company at the weekend, so why not. Laura was always telling her to get out. Star was sure her friend would be more than encouraging if she knew the reason for her babysitting extension. “Let me drop Laura a message and I’ll see you when you’re finished.”

Andrew’s face lit up with pleasure. “Fantastic, I’ll pop back up when I’m done. Stay with Lucas as long as you want.”

Star felt a smile take over her face. Maybe life was starting to look up.


Before heading back into Lucas’s room, Star fired off a message to Laura, who instantly replied telling Star to enjoy herself and all was good at home. Entering Lucas’s room, Star was aware all eyes were on her. Mary had returned and was now sitting by Lucas’s bed, while Damian was lounging against the wall.

“So you know my doctor?” Lucas said, leaving Star squirming under his gaze.

“I do. Skylar and his daughter Olivia are best friends,” Star replied, although it wasn’t really any of their business, but Lucas was a friend and she didn’t want to offend him.

“They can’t have been friends long – he’s only just moved here,” Mary said.

What was this, the third degree? Damian stood quietly, watching.

“No, he hasn’t, but Skylar was Olivia’s buddy when she joined the school and they hit it off. You know how children are – they make friends very quickly. Andrew and I took the girls to the cinema last weekend and that’s how I know him …” Star quickly changed the subject: “So, Lucas, when are you going to be discharged?”

Lucas looked a little disgruntled at the change of topic, while Mary simply stared at her. Surely they didn’t begrudge her a male companion, especially one as nice as Andrew. She’d been on her own for the past seven years.

Lucas and Mary changed the subject as she requested, and they talked about what Lucas intended to do once he was free from the prison he was in, otherwise known as a first-class private hospital. Damian remained quiet, silently simmering in the corner. Star kept her gaze on Lucas but could feel Damian’s eyes burning into her back.

Half an hour later there was a knock on the door and Andrew popped his head in, dressed casually now.

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