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“Hope you’re ready for what you asked for,” I taunt as she moves to the middle. My cock throbs between us, and I can’t wait any longer. Grabbing her thighs, I pull her body closer and settle between her legs. Stroking my shaft a few times, I slowly ease into her, and she gasps before I pull out. I’ve always loved teasing her, but it’s even more fun when we’re naked. Then I slide back in, thrusting deeper.

“Harder,” she pants, but instead, I pull out, grab her ankles, and drag her to the edge as I stand. “Oh my God,” she squeals.

“Flip,” I demand. She licks her lips before she gets on all fours.

With a firm hand, I smack her ass, and the sound echoes through the room. She purrs, which is a complete turn-on. I dig my fingers into her hips as I guide myself inside, fucking her hard and deep. Our skin slaps together and mingles with our moans. My dick is so goddamn hard it feels like it might break off as she arches her ass against me, screaming my name and fisting the comforter.

“Yes, yes, yes! Oh my God, yes,” she cries out. “Eli…” Her breathlessness, combined with how her muscles tense, tells me everything I need to know. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her up until her back is to my chest. I slow my pace, cup her jaw, then bring our mouths together.

Her body shakes, and she comes, moaning my name. My movements are slow and calculated, and soon, I’m losing myself too. We collapse on the bed and crawl to the middle where I hold her in my arms. Emotions pour through me, and when I look at Cami, she’s flashing a satisfied smile. Cupping her cheeks, I fuse our mouths back together, unable to stop kissing her.

“Pretty sure I need another shower,” she says when we break apart. “I’m a sweaty mess.”

“Me too. I think we should conserve water,” I tell her, and she nods, then follows me to the bathroom. I turn on the water and allow her to step in, taking in every inch of her gorgeous curves. I’m so fucking lucky.

I squirt shampoo in my palm and gently massage her scalp. She closes her eyes, and a small smile plays on her lips.

“Have I told you how much I love you today?” I ask her, grabbing her body wash and paying extra attention to her breasts, then moving down to her sensitive areas.

“Actions sometimes speak louder than words,” she mutters, and I chuckle.

“I love you,” I whisper against the shell of her ear as the warm water falls over our bodies. “I’ll love you till the day I die.”

She smiles so sweet as she plucks her lip. “I love you too, Eli.”

I reach around and grab a handful of her ass until she squeals. She washes me, and then we make out until our skin prunes. We wrap fluffy towels around our bodies and go back to the bedroom.

She lifts an eyebrow as she gazes her eyes down my body. “Ready for round two?”

Genuine laughter escapes me as I move closer to her. “I’ll never tell you no. My cock is yours. Prince Harry 2.0.”

Cami nearly doubles over, then takes me in her hand before kneeling in front of me as she sucks me long and hard.

We make love for the rest of the afternoon, only taking breaks for food and quick naps. I hold her and make sure she knows how much she means to me, and how in love with her I am. What we have is more real than anything I’ve ever experienced, and I wasn’t lying when I told her I’d love her until the day I die. Honestly, I can’t imagine a day without her in my life; that’s how quickly she’s burrowed into my heart and soul.

Cameron St. James is my everything, and I’ll spend forever proving that to her.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


DAY 90

We’ve officially been in the cabin for three months, but it hasn’t been what I expected at all when I first decided to come here. When Eli first arrived, I was convinced it’d be hell sharing this space with him. Little did I know, I’d fall stupidly in love with him and end up never wanting to leave this place or his side.

A week ago, I got the news that my graduation ceremony was canceled, and I feel cheated as hell. I understand why, but for the past four years, I imagined walking across that stage and getting my diploma. I’ve been excited to give my valedictorian speech since I knew I was in the running. Though I won’t be giving it in front of everyone, I still plan to record myself so they can hear it. Getting this honor was hard work, and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to speak to my peers one more time. I know I’m not the only one who’s missing out on events such as this right now, and even though I understand this is our new reality, it’s still hard to cope with.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance