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I move to the other, licking and sucking. She pants as I lick a trail up to her mouth and lower my hand to her pussy.

“Fuck, Cami. You’re so tight,” I murmur, feeling her wetness on my fingers.

Before I lose myself in her, I grab her hand and lead us into the shower. Once we’re inside, she stands under the stream of water, letting it cascade down her body. She tilts her head back and gets her hair wet. I watch in awe at the gorgeous woman in front of me, waiting for me to pleasure her in all the right ways.

Stepping closer, I bring my hand down and begin stroking my thumb against her clit. Cami moans and nearly crumples under my touch. She’s so damn sensitive, and seeing her like this has my dick growing harder. At this rate, I won’t last five minutes inside her, but I want to go all night. She bites her bottom lip, causing me to let out a throaty moan as she writhes.

“Eli,” she whispers. “I want you so badly.”

“Me too, baby,” I admit. “I don’t want to rush, but damn, I don’t know how much longer I can wait to taste you. It’s been too long.”

Water spills over her chest, and as I trail kisses down her body, it soaks my hair and falls into my eyes. I brush it back and lift a brow when I catch her gawking. Flashing her a quick wink, I kneel in front of her and settle between her legs, running my nose along her sensitive bud. I love the way she tastes and the soft moans that escape her as I flick my tongue against her clit.

“Eli, Eli,” she whimpers, fisting my hair as I worship her body with my mouth. Cami’s back arches as I wage war against her pussy, and I know she’s close by the way her body shakes. As she sinks into me, I pull away with a smirk. I love how quickly she loses herself with me and how willing she is to please me in return. In the bedroom, Cami is a fucking goddess, and I plan to worship her body for the rest of our lives.

Her eyes pop open in protest. “Nooooo!”

I shrug with a laugh. “What?”

“I swear, I will bring Prince Harry in here and let him finish the job,” she threatens, and I chuckle at her eagerness.

Her perky breasts rise and fall as I ease my fingers up her legs and bring my mouth back between her thighs. She’s so damn wet that all I can do is smile as I taste her sweetness. She shudders under my touch as I insert one finger and then another, twirling my tongue against her clit.

“I’m so close. Don’t stop,” she pleads on a whisper, and while I want to tease her, my baby deserves this release. I slow my pace, allowing the orgasm to fully build before she completely unravels. Moments later, she’s trembling and groaning as she loses herself. I pull away, kissing her inner thighs before standing.

She looks at me with hooded eyes, begging for a kiss. Our mouths fuse and our tongues twist under the hot stream. The emotions overwhelm me because I still can’t believe this woman is mine. The way I feel about her is unfathomable. I’m never letting her fucking go.

“I can taste myself on your lips,” she tells me, and I chuckle.

“And you’re so goddamn delicious I’d eat you for every meal.” I slyly smile as my erection presses into her stomach.

“Should we get you cleaned up?” I muse.

“No, you should fuck me.”

I chuckle, reaching for her body wash.

I lather it on a loofah between my hands. “I’ll make it worth your while, don’t worry.”

Cami narrows her eyes and pretends to sulk.

Gently, I wash her shoulders, chest, arms, and legs. Then I spin her around and scrub her back and down her ass. I wrap my good arm around her waist and lower my hand between her legs.

“You smell so good,” I murmur in her ear, teasing my tongue along her neck. I thrust a finger inside her, and she tightens against me. “God, you drive me fucking wild.”

Cami turns, places her palms on my cheek, and forces me to look into her bright blue eyes. “Quit being a gentleman and fuck me,” she demands.

I pop an eyebrow, loving her eagerness. “That’s what you really want?”

“Be careful with your arm, but I won’t break, Eli,” she says as a devious grin spreads across her face.

Cami quickly rinses before turning off the shower and stepping out. She hands me a towel, and I swiftly dry myself. While she wraps hers around her body, I charge forward, and she squeals as I chase her into her bedroom. She falls onto the mattress with a laugh as I hover over her.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance