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“I was the one in Little Rock and said I’d check in on her. When I got there, I could tell her mother didn’t have long, and one of her neighbors was harassing her, so I didn’t feel right leaving her. She’s Jerry’s sister, so it was a no-brainer about helping her.”

He laughed. “Yes, I’ll take care of her as long as she needs me.”

Tessa’s stomach twisted. He was with her out of obligation. God, it answered a lot of questions. The ramifications were so profound, and her emotions were in such upheaval all she could do at that moment was to breathe.

“I’ve got to shower and go get her. She’s at Cole’s.”

She listened to him end the call.

Tessa heard him in the bathroom and guessed he’d probably come into the closet for clothing, so she hurried back behind one of the shelves. She just couldn’t face him at that moment. She couldn’t hide her pain and had so many questions bombarding her.

The door to the closet opened, making her breath stall in her chest, and her body tightened into a ball.

He was in and out of the apartment within twenty minutes.

She knew he would go to Jade’s apartment, and she wouldn’t be there, and Jade would tell him she was already home. She couldn’t run or hide because her brain was so jumbled she was unable to think straight. So, she had to do the next best thing, pretend she didn’t feel well. He’d leave her alone to think, which she needed. She was just afraid she’d let the pain out and start crying. The one thing she did know was that she wasn’t going to make him feel guilty about anything. He’d already done so much for her.

Tessa knew she didn’t have much time and pulled off her shoes and jumped into bed, pulling the blanket up over her shoulders.

“Tessa,” Nate yelled from the living room, making her jump. She quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

“Jesus Christ, there you are,” he said and came to sit next to her hip on the mattress. “Wake up for me.”

Her eyes fluttered open, and she knew she couldn’t look him in the face yet without crying, so she looked at his chin.

“You gave me a fright, girl. Why are you in bed?”

“I don’t feel good, and I just want to sleep.”

She flinched when the palm of his hand pressed against her forehead.

“You don’t have a fever.”

She started to feel the panic rise. What should she tell him that would be believable?

“It’s that time of the month.”

Tessa hoped he wouldn’t remember her having her period just two weeks before.

She saw the confusion and concern on his face. “You just had it.”

“I sometimes get it more than once. Just leave me alone to rest, and I’ll feel better.”

“Can I get you any pain medication?”

She shook her head. “No, I’ve already taken some.”

God, she had never lied this much, and she knew if he really looked, he might be able to tell.

He pulled down the blanket. “At least we can get you into something more comfortable.”

“No, I’ll do that in a while.”

The scowl on his face got darker. He pressed his hand to her stomach. “How about I rub your stomach?”

She impulsively pushed his hand away. The last thing she needed was to be touched by him. It was taking all her strength not to cry.

“No! Please. I’m fine. I just want to be left alone.”

Tags: Lila Fox Daddy Erotic