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“I’m not sure it’s wise to involve her in any way.”

“She’s a part of us until we find out what’s going on with Benny. Would you want to send her back to Benny?” I ask, looking to see if Sledge has suddenly gone darker.

He’s the biggest softie in the place.

“You think he’d do something to her?” He looks at me expectantly, and I see the worry in his eyes. Anyone else here wouldn’t give a damn what happened to her. I wouldn’t have yesterday morning, but after seeing the fear in her eyes… She’s scared of something, and I never even took the chance to question her while she was drunk.

“I think he’s already told her he would do something, but I don’t know what.”

“So you really think she’s here for the reasons she said—money stuff. Because Snake said when that dick traitor she called a father killed himself a year ago, it put them in a really tight mess. Her sister died about a year before that, but it racked up some hospital bills, along with some sort of complication her mother had with her leg.”

Sister? She had a sister?

“These are questions I should have already asked,” I say to myself while pinching the bridge of my nose.

These are things we need to know. What motivates a person to get desperate enough to sell herself to Benny’s club without having ulterior motives like her father had? Now things make a little more sense.

“It’s only been a day, Drex. People always play with a new toy the first day they have it. But I’m with you on not giving her back to Benny if he’s going to keep her for himself. The girl seems comfortable with you, and Benny would break her.”

The thought of Benny touching her actually makes me sick. He’s a disgusting thing to smell or look at. He’s also a sick creep. I refuse to think I’m a creep. Eve sure as hell doesn’t mind me touching her, and she shudders in disgust at the thought of Benny.

“So you’re definitely keeping her?” Sledge asks after a moment of silence, both of us staring at the large, solid door where the feds are knocking. Our monitors show us their faces since both men staring up at the camera now. Yesterday we had two feds. Today there are three—one followed the convoy.

“Yeah. I’m keeping her. If she grows to trust me, we may be able to use her against Benny. She’s friends with Ben—the son. She might could get us an ass-load of information if we need it. And she’ll do anything to stay far away from Benny. If I’m right. That’s a big if.”

Sledge’s lazy grin draws up. “Girl is friends with the sissy Benny has for a son? Things make a lot more sense now. And yeah, she’d prove to be very useful. In fact, maybe in a couple of weeks she could invite the kid over. Incognito, of course. We could chat, he could see she’s doing well, and he might just tell us some stuff. Boy’s got to be pissed at his old man for sending a pretty thing like that your way. Think about it.”

I actually hadn’t thought about it. His son turned to him for help for a girl he obviously cares about. And Benny sent her off with a rival club. She was meant for Pop, but now she’s in my bed. That probably pisses the pussy off twice as much.

“Axle,” I yell, watching him as he walks by my room on his way to the roof. He turns and looks expectantly. “Send my girl down. Tell her to look pretty.”

Axle smirks and nods before disappearing into the door, and I turn back toward Sledge. “Showtime. Verse her on what to say.”

A squeal forces Sledge and me to look up simultaneously, and Axle walks out of my room while laughing. I tilt my head when he grins like a fool.

“Girl was naked and waiting,” he says while heading back toward the roof again.

Sledge bursts out laughing, but I get a little pissed about the fact Axle just saw her bare body. In my bed. Shit. That’s my fault because I told her to be waiting.

“Lucky son of a bitch,” Sledge says through a touch of laughter. “Has the girl even eaten today?”

That’s a good question. I know I’m fucking starving. It was after eight this morning before we went to sleep, and it was fucking seven before I woke up. Seven!! Now that dick has stayed until ten, and all I’ve had is a slice of reheated pizza.

“Verse her on what to say,” I repeat to Sledge while glaring at Axle’s back on his way topside.

I walk over and open the door to the two very impatient FBI agents, and smirk while I block their way and their view. “You lost, boys?” I ask, lacing each word with complete disinterest.

Tags: C.M. Owens Death Chasers MC Erotic