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A twinge of excitement fills me, and he bends and kisses my stomach, running his tongue down to my clit before licking me. My breath leaves when he does it again, teasing me with pleasure I wasn’t expecting, and like the traitors they are, my hands go to his hair and pull him closer while my legs spread wider in invitation.

He tugs my clit into his mouth, growling as he sucks it harder. But he pulls back just as suddenly, muttering a few more curses, and he lets his eyes rake over me several times. “It’s after seven. I never sleep past four unless we’ve had a rough night. I’ve got to get down there, but this will be continued.”

I’m so screwed up in the head. I really don’t want him to leave right now without finishing what we started.

Then his words register.

After seven? It’s after seven in the evening? I know we stayed up well past dawn… but still.

“Sorry,” I say, feeling completely teased.

He smirks while grabbing a shirt and pulling it over his head, and then he rolls his eyes.

“You slept in my bed, and now I have to go into a very important deal with a fucking hard-on; a meeting that I’m already running late for. Your ass is on the couch from now on.”

When I smile, he rolls his eyes again. “You’re not supposed to be enjoying this quite so much,” he scolds, but his amusement is there.

That’s sobering, because it’s very true. I’m sick for enjoying this. But the alternative is being miserable and then being sent back to Benny where I’ll never survive.

He’s gone in the next second, still buttoning and cursing his jeans on the way out. Why did he keep me in the bed with him?

Chapter 15


“Last test,” Harrison says while walking around. We’ve already been down here since a little bit after seven. And now it’s closing in on ten. Longest fucking deal ever, but he always did love chatting and drinking before getting down to business.

“Did you bring a dog?” Sledge asks. “We have some if not.”

“I brought one. This one is from Customs—the best of the best. He’s on loan from a friend. If the drugs can be sniffed, this one will find them.”

It won’t find them. I know, because there are a series of things going on. We’re the only ones with the scent cover that masks the smell dogs are trained to find. And there is a constant buzzing registering on a frequency humans can’t hear. The flip of one switch turns the frequency on, and the dogs grow annoyed by it. They eventually walk away because it’s so distracting, but it’s not so jarring that it startles them. It’s perfect.

The German Shepard is turned loose and it growls as it passes all of us. One of Harrison’s men holds it on a leash, and it sniffs the car. It snarls when it hears the annoying sound we can’t detect, but it keeps sniffing.

Sure enough, between the sound and scent of dead air, it walks away, feeling satisfied that it has done its job. Harrison claps as Fido runs back to the van it came out of. Once again, I’ve proven to him that we’re the ones for the job. For some reason, he always wants to test us.

“Impressive. What’s the secret?”

My guys start laughing, but I merely smirk. “If I gave you the secret, then I’d be out of business. You know where to find me when you need me. You have twelve days before the cars are pointless. I’ve shown you all your new storage. Dogs won’t detect shit, and you can smuggle all you want for those twelve days.”

He nods, smiling happily. “Then we should get going. Time is wasting. Good doing business with you, Drex. As always.”

They start loading up, and we point them down the tunnels to escape the eyes of the feds. Snake climbs into the lead car, preparing to seal the tunnel’s exit doors after they’re gone, and the men who drove the original vehicles prepare to resurface and go out the way they came to keep from rousing suspicion.

“Feds have come and knocked twice,” Sledge whispers as the cars start driving off. “I think they’re very curious about the convoy that drove in.”

“As soon as they’re gone, I’ll go outside and deal with them. I’ll get Eve down and tell her to look pretty. I don’t want them thinking they can use her against me. She was nervous last night. She won’t be so nervous today.”

Sledge frowns as Mack goes to lead the second convoy—the distraction convoy—through the garage doors. The feds hop down from the top of their car hood, and one car starts tailing the convoy leaving. They can follow them, but they’ll find nothing. All the good stuff is disappearing down a hidden tunnel. We only watch them from the monitors, even though they have no clue we’re watching them.

Tags: C.M. Owens Death Chasers MC Erotic