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“If you were uncomfortable about deception, you didn’t need to go along with it,” he said back, but he knew deep inside that Belle wouldn’t ever do anything she didn’t want to. Hadn’t he already seen enough of her backbone to know that?

“True.” Some of her anger faded, and remarkably, she giggled. It was yet another adorable sound. “I didn’t want you to have all the adventure. In this way, I can pretend I am a spy as well.” Then one of her eyebrows lifted, and damn if he didn’t want to kiss that arch. “Except why didyoudo it?”

“Ravenscroft is trying to bully and intimidate you, possibly scoot you right off the estate. I had the distinct feeling I’d be ousted if I didn’t have a firm reason for remaining.” He rubbed a hand along the side of his face. “Beyond that, I wished to give you protection, and I couldn’t very well do that without inventing this story.”

“Oh!” Surprise lined her face as she stared. “What a sweet gesture. Thank you.”

He’d expected an argument, and when that didn’t occur, he regarded her with confusion. “Then you aren’t upset for my highhandedness?”

“I didn’t say that.” There was a certain fire that burned at the backs of her eyes he wanted the permission to explore. “However, in this instance, I think the fiction you have put forth is justified.” Those kissable lips tugged downward in a frown. “Honestly, I don’t know much about Philip. Even when I was married to Laurence, he didn’t come around much, but there is something about him I don’t trust.”

At least they were of one mind. Odd, that. Never had he felt such a deep affinity for a woman before. “Good. I have the same impression. Keep that in the forefront of your mind until we discover more.” He touched her arm. “Thank you for entering into a pretend engagement with me for Christmas.”

Her smile was this side of brilliant. “You are quite welcome. I am enjoying the thrill of deception.”

Oh, she was going to be trouble, and now he was in the thick of it. “I am glad I can provide at least this for you. But promise me you will remember to live while we pull the wool over your brother-in-law’s eyes.”

Whether or not that was with him remained to be seen.

“I promise.” She took his hand and squeezed his fingers. “What about your secret reason for being here?”

At least he wouldn’t be alone for this leg of his mission. Excitement buzzed at the base of his spine. “I shall tell you the truth but not here, not now. I don’t trust Ravenscroft. Meet me tomorrow at…”Well, damn.He didn’t know the area well enough.

“Stand down, Hawk.” Again, she squeezed his fingers, and he rather enjoyed that physical connection. “Mrs. Miller’s tea café in the village. At one o’clock. It won’t be busy at that time of day.”

He frowned. “That is too open and risky. Perhaps we can go on a walk instead? Take tea afterward?”

“I would be amenable to that.”

“I will meet you on the curve in the lane. No one can see that area from the upstairs windows.”

“How do you know?”

“I have done my research and reconnaissance.” Then he lifted her hand to his lips, turned it over, and pressed his lips to the inside of her wrist. “Until tomorrow, Belle.” He winked. “And no, you arenotan Amelia.”

“Oh… you!” With a blush in her cheeks, she pulled away and then fled the room.

A mission to complete. A mystery regarding the property. An untrustworthy land owner. A widow who adored dancing and sexual congress. And a false engagement.

Never had he looked forward to the holidays more.

Chapter Seven

December 19, 1819

Belle frowned as she stared out the drawing room windows. It was nearly time to leave the house in order to meet the captain where the country lane curved, and yet swollen, gray clouds that sat low on the horizon hinted at rain, and lots of it.

Would that put an early end to their promised walk and afternoon in the village? She hoped not, for she hadn’t been able to sleep properly last night with all the excitement zipping through her veins. Her life simply wasn’t built on adventure, but ever since the advent of Hawk, there had been nothing except that.

It was unexpected and… lovely.

“Ah, there you are, Amelia. I have been searching all over for you.”

She turned at the sound of her brother-in-law’s voice. “Obviously you didn’t look everywhere, Philip, for I have been in here for the last hour.” Keeping the sarcasm from her voice at this point was impossible. Now that she knew Hawk didn’t quite trust him only enhanced her own wariness of the man.

“I spent this morning thinking about your sudden and most startling engagement to Captain Hawkins.”

Oh, not this again.“And?”

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical