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“So write them letters of recommendation and then send them on their way.”

“At least wait until after Twelfth Night.”


Hawk couldn’t resist the chance to needle this man again. “If I might interfere, Ravenscroft?” He stood, merely so the other man wouldn’t have an advantage over him. As it was, they stood at nearly the same height of eight inches over five feet. “Why do you feel the need to upend the staff? From your own admission, you intend to remove to London once Parliament comes back into session, which means you won’t be here.”

“I don’t see how this is a concern of yours, Captain Hawkins.” The viscount didn’t try to hide his animosity. He took a few steps toward Hawk, apparently in the attempt to intimidate. “You are only a guest here, but now that I am back in residence, you will be gone soon, tossed out on your arse as soon as Christmas Day concludes. I am not in the habit of suffering men looking for handouts.”

Something was off about the man, but damn if he could puzzle it out, yet protection welled within him, and a warning in his brain screamed at him to keep her safe.

“Enough, Philip!” Belle shot to her feet. She darted between them and laid a palm on both their chests. “There is no reason to argue, and he is certainly not in dun territory.” Annoyance flashed in her lake blue eyes. “The captain is staying on here because he—”

“—is Belle’s fiancé,” he interrupted swiftly. He couldn’t risk her betraying that he was a spy and arousing this man’s suspicions more than they were. There was no way he could explain to himself why he had decided to say such a thing, but there it was. When her eyebrows soared and shock etched itself onto the viscount’s face, Hawk nodded. “She and I are engaged, so you cannot uproot me that easily.”

Ravenscroft turned to look at her. “Is this true? I had assumed you had no wish to marry again.”

“I…” She glanced at Hawk and then hid any shock she might have felt. Oh, she would no doubt give him a dressing down later, but he looked forward to that, for he could easily coerce those emotions into an outlet better suited to them both. Still, he balanced lightly on the balls of his feet in case she wouldn’t play along. “Yes, Philip. Hawk, er I mean Montague and I are engaged.” A blush raged in her cheeks. Would it give her away? “It happened suddenly, of course, but since I am older and perhaps wiser about such things, I didn’t wish for a long courtship.”

He nearly collapsed into the nearest chair with relief. Then his body tensed.Whyhad she decided to enter into the charade?

“Where the hell did you meet him?” the viscount demanded.

“Uh, he was visiting one of the neighboring properties a month or so ago and we met at a rout. It took next to no time to discover we have much in common.”

Hawk stifled the urge to snort with derision.Yes, much in common if that includes kissing.In fact, he wanted nothing more than to tug her into a shadow-drenched room and reacquaint himself with her lips.

“You must know this man is beneath your station.”

“Actually, Ravenscroft, I am one of Viscount Blackwell’s sons, and am quite on the same social level as Belle.”

“And even if he weren’t, none of that matters,” she interjected with a look of such coolness at the viscount Hawk again wondered at their history.

“Indeed.” He tossed a cheeky grin to the other man while the viscount’s face reddened. “If you wondered, I have already made a modest living.” Was it bragging? Of course, but hewasproud of that fact. And since he rented out rooms, he would be financially solvent for some time to come if he was careful.

“I see.” The viscount crossed his arms at his chest. “When will you wed?”

A shiver racked her shoulders, and fearing this would be the bump to destroy the bit of fiction, Hawk slipped an arm about her waist. She shot him another look of gratitude. “I would imagine soon. Yes, the engagement was sudden, but we do not wish to waste time.” The tendons in her delicate throat worked with a hard swallow. “Widowhood has made me lonely. I want companionship again.”

Hawk frowned, for he suspected that wasn’t wholly a lie. She was the sort of woman who would flourish and bloom under the attention and nurturing attention of a good man. But pride for her welled within his chest. He was so damn glad she’d followed his prompts. Clever woman, indeed.

“I see.” Ravenscroft bounced a glance between them. Speculation was stamped heavily in his expression. “Then I shall offer my congratulations, and please make use of the Dower House at your earliest convenience.”

“After the holidays, surely?” Hawk couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course,” the viscount bit off. “Until that time, you are welcome to enjoy the use of the manor house.”

“Wonderful news.” To add insult to injury, Hawk stuck out a hand. “I am anxious to join your family, Ravenscroft.”

“Yes, well, you are not wed yet.” But he shook Hawk’s hand. “Now, if you both will excuse me? I am rather fatigued from traveling today and wish to retire.”

“Have a restful sleep, Philip.” As soon as the viscount exited the room, she rounded on Hawk. “What the devil is wrong with you?” she hissed. The anger in her eyes hadn’t cooled.

Oh, God.It was time to face his reckoning.

“Keep your voice lowered in the event he or one of his people are lurking.” Wrapping a hand around the upper portion of Belle’s arm, he shuttled her across the room and to the windows at the opposite side of the space. “Forgive the impertinence.”

She shook off his touch. “Why would you tell Philip such a thing?” Though she kept her voice to a whisper, there was no mistaking the annoyance in her voice. “Now he’ll be expecting us to announce a date.”

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical