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Her love for me is always present.

“Wow,” she says when I break the kiss. “You are the world’s best kisser, Harrison Keene.”

“I run a close second to you, Ava Wells.”

Her eyes shine bright. “Should I open the door?”

I point at the conference room door. “That door?”

She nods. “That’s the one.”

She swings it open, and instantly we are greeted with a chorus of different voices. People are yelling their congratulations and well wishes at us.

All three of my closest friends and the women they love are there. Declan is standing next to Ryden. Ava’s parents are in the middle of the group, and I spot Roxy, Joslyn, my mom, and Donald to their left.

A large banner with the words ‘London or Bust’ hangs on the wall behind everyone.

Ava’s head snaps in my direction. “Did you know about this?”

I squeeze her hand. “I had no fucking clue.”

She laughs as her gaze roams over the faces of the people closest to us.

Roxy suddenly breaks from the group to run at me. I fall to a knee to go in for the hug I know is coming my way.

She doesn’t disappoint. Her arms wrap around my neck. “Did we surprise you, Harry?”

“You did,” I assure her as she steps back.

“I’m going to miss you.” She runs her fingers over my forehead. “Mom said we can visit once a month on a weekend. You and Ava will be back for your MS party, right? It’s soon.”

“We’ll be here,” Ava tells her. “We’ll come back for your birthday and the holidays too. In five months, we’ll be back for good.”

I reach to hold Roxy’s hand as I pull myself back to my feet. Wrapping my arm around the waist of the woman I love, I tug her close to me. “I’m so damn lucky, Ava.”

“We both are,” she whispers, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. “London is just the first stop on our adventure of a lifetime.”


Six Months Later


“I still can’t believe you had the piano restored.” I run my fingers along the keys, coaxing a note from each. “It’s beautiful, Harry.”

“It sounds beautiful each time you play it,” he says from behind me. “I wanted you to be able to practice for your upcoming debut.”

I spin to face him. “What debut? I started teaching at the school two weeks ago. The upcoming recital features the students, not the teachers.”

While we were in London, I was in constant contact with Alexander. We shared ideas about the composition we’ve been contracted to write for another upcoming film. This one is a period piece, so I’ve been relying heavily on Alex’s vast experience as a conductor for inspiration. He sent me audio clips of hours worth of orchestras playing so I could understand the nuances of what the producers and director are looking for.

This coming week we’ll have our first in-person session together to share our ideas.

In between all of that, Alex informed me that one of the piano teachers at his music school landed a spot playing with the orchestra of a Broadway musical. It meant she had to give up her job, and fortunately, Alex offered it to me.

I accepted immediately, and so far, I’ve met a few of my students.

“Your debut at Carnegie Hall, Ava.”

I stare at his lips. “What?”

A smile ghosts his mouth. “I know we agreed to share everything with each other, and I swear I’ve done that, but there was this one thing I’ve kept to myself.”

I fight to hold in a grin.

Harry and I have been open and honest with each other. While we were in London, we spent as much time together as we could, even though he had to fly back to Manhattan several times.

I accompanied him on some of those trips, including the day his mom and Donald got married. The rest of the time, I focused on completing my degree.

Through it all, we shared our hopes and dreams for the future. We’ve grown closer, and there’s no one I trust more than the man standing in front of me.

“I had the piano restored and moved into this room, so we could both enjoy it.” He reaches for my hands. “When I decided to do that, I didn’t know that soon the love of my life would grace the stage at Carnegie Hall.”

“Soon?” I ask. “How?”

Time feels like it stalls when he drops to one knee.

“Harry.” His name escapes me in a breathless rush. “What are you doing?”

“Making every single one of my dreams come true,” he whispers.

His hand dives into the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “I can’t promise you the easiest life, Ava, but I can promise you one filled with love, compassion, and a hell of a lot of great sex.”

“You proved that this morning,” I say with tears welling in my eyes.

He reaches to take one of my hands. “Marry me, my beautiful Ava. Let me show you how much you mean to me every day. We’ll hold each other through the bad days, and celebrate every day.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance