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As soon as the kiss breaks, she looks into my eyes. “Can you see me, Harry?”

I chuckle. “Kind of.”

She steps back. “Now?”

I nod. “That’s better.”

“See how happy I am?” She tilts her head. “All of this happiness is because of you.”

My heart feels like it jerks inside my chest.

“Come home with me.” She reaches out her hand.

I greedily take it in mine. “I’ll stay the night with you.”

“You better,” she warns with a laugh. “I plan on using you for my pleasure all night long.”

“I consider that a gift for me.” I fish my hand into my jacket and tug the small square box from my pocket. “This gift is for you.”

She eyes it. “I’ll open it at my place.”

Good, because I suspect it will bring tears to her eyes. Happy tears, and for tonight, those are the only tears I want her to shed.

“You do know that I don’t expect any gifts from you,” Ava says as she kicks off her shoes. “More meal kits were delivered today. They’ve been arriving every few days since I moved in. That is already such an amazing gift, Harry.”

“That is sustenance,” I point out. “It’s food, Ava. I don’t consider it a gift.”

“I do,” she counters. “It’s helped me so much.”

“Good.” I nod, tugging on my tie to loosen it. “Are you ready for the other gift now?”

She sets her sweet ass in the middle of her couch. “I’m ready.”

I take a seat opposite her on the coffee table, bracketing her legs with mine. I set the small box on the skirt of her dress. “Open it.”

Her gaze catches mine. “You’re very thoughtful.”

Only to the people I love. I want to say that, instead, I point at the box. “Open it, Ava.”

She nods. Picking it up gently, she shakes it next to her ear. It rattles.

“Is it a condom package?” She laughs.

I chuckle. “No. I have a few of those in another pocket.”

Her hand leaps to the center of her chest. “A man after my own heart.”

My gaze sticks to her hand as the words linger between us. I want her heart. I want to claim it and spend my life proving I’m worthy of that.

I wish to fuck I could.

Jesus, I wish for nothing more than that.

“I’ll open it now,” she announces.

Her fingers tug on the white ribbon tied around the box. Once that’s free, she pushes it to the floor before she pops open the lid.

She reaches in to delicately remove the silver charm.

“Harry.” My name comes out of her in a breathless rush. “Oh my god, Harry.”

“It’s a movie clapboard,” I point out the obvious. “The name of the film is on there and the date, but I had the jeweler engrave your name under composer instead of including the director’s name or any of that other shit that is usually on a clapboard.”

She laughs through a veil of tears. “I can’t believe you would do this for me. How did you have time to get this made?”

“My mother says that where there’s a will, there’s a way.” I smile. “She’s not always right about that, but this time it worked out.”

She moves her ass to the edge of the couch so she can embrace me. I lean forward to give her that.

As I hold her in my arms, she whispers in my ear, “Thank you for this, Harry. Thank you for everything.”

I should be the one thanking her for tonight, and every moment she has given me and will give me until she heads back to London. I’m a better man for it. I’m a much better man for knowing her.



“This is a hell of a way to thank me for that charm, Ava,” I hiss out between clenched teeth.

She twirls the tip of her tongue over the head of my dick. “I’m just getting started.”

I take that as a promise that this night won’t end soon.

“I love sucking your cock.” She shifts back to look at my face. “It feels so good.”

I try and huff out a laugh, but it comes out more like a strangled groan because seeing her hand wrapped around my dick is doing things to me. Things that make me want to toss her on the bed and fuck her raw.

I stare down at her. She’s on her knees, feet away from her bed. That’s as far as we made it as we stripped on our way to our destination. I planned to eat my way to ecstasy between her legs, but she wanted me.

She told me she craved me. What’s a man supposed to do with that?

“Will you come in my mouth?” she asks in barely more than a whisper. “I want that.”

“Me too.” The words somehow manage to crawl their way out of my throat.

She goes back down to take the crown in her mouth before it pops back out, leaving me aching for more.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance