Page 92 of Falling for Rome

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“It’s not like you weren’t going to tell us anyway. I’m just cutting through the drama. Oh my goodness. Sophia! You have to call her back!”

“Call who back? What’s going on?” Dad asked.

“She has a voicemail from an agent at Unified Talent Agency. They want to represent our daughter!” Mom crowed as she read the text summary of my voicemail. “She got an agent, Derrick. Oh honey, I’m so proud of you.”

“Sophia! That’s fantastic news. Congratulations!” Dad beamed so hard his smile overtook his whole face.

A gulping sob tore out of my throat as I glared at my parents. “It’s not real. Rome did this. I didn’t earn it.”

“Of course it’s real, Sophia.” Mom sat down on my other side and brushed my tears away. “Do you seriously think Rome couldmakean agent agree to represent you? Especially one from such an illustrious firm? I mean, even I’ve heard of Unified Talent Agency. They’re huge.”

“Karen Hutchinson is kind of a big deal,” I murmured to myself. “I never thought she’d even read my scripts, let alone offer to represent me.”

“I really doubt Roman Grier has that much sway in the industry,” Mom continued. “And didn’t you say someone named Daniel is his agent? Is he even with Unified Talent Agency?”

“No, I think he’s with Archetype Agency.” I remembered seeing it on one of Daniel’s folders.

“So what are you waiting for?” Dad all but yelled. “Call her back!

“Don’t let an opportunity like this slip through your hands because you’re mad at a boy.” Mom patted my hand. “You got this offer because of your talent. Don’t ever forget that. You did this, Sophia. Your words, your talent, and your hard work are finally paying off. Like your dad says, don’t you ever let a man dim your light. You deserve to shine.”

Hearing those words from my mom meant so much. “Thank you, Mom.”

“I’m so proud of you, Sophia.”

“I am too.” Dad barked. “But if you don’t call her back, I’m going to have a stroke.”

Now it was my turn to grin as I took my cell back from my mom and made the call that would forever change my life.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Still Sophia

Two days later

“…to show up here. Do you not understand how much you hurt her?”

I paused in the hallway just beyond where my dad stood with the front door open. The door blocked my view of who Dad was yelling at, but I didn’t need to see to know. There were only two ‘hers’ here, and my mom didn’t need anyone to speak for her—she had no problem standing up to everyone and anyone.

That person was here for me. And there was only one who’d hurt me lately to make my dad yell like that.

Should I go back to my bedroom? Or face him?

Rome said something, but I couldn’t make out his exact words.

“I don’t give a shit!” My dad yelled. “You and all your parasite buddies twisted her choices until she only had one, and I’ll be damned if you do that to her again.”

I couldn’t help but grin. My dad was awesome.

I edged closer to the door without revealing myself, but still couldn’t hear whatever Rome said to my dad.

“The fact that I can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there. Those fuckers live to jump out at people. I remember from the last time they set up camp here. Because your screwed-up choices didn’t only affect Sophia, you also put me and my wife in their crosshairs. Those vultures were camped out across the street and jumped out at me and my wife at our jobs. I didn’t appreciate it then, and I won’t put up with it now.”

Rome’s reply was muffled. I unconsciously stepped closer to try to hear him.

And ran straight into a kitchen chair.


Tags: Gillian Archer Romance