Page 91 of Falling for Rome

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And only my family, Molly, and Brynn had my new number. They were all saved as contacts, so who was calling me now?

I couldn’t answer it. I let it go to voicemail and held my breath to see if they’d leave a message or text me.

This couldn’t be happening again. Not again.

Finally, my phone pinged with the notice that I had a voicemail.

I tapped the icon and a woman’s voice filled the living room.

“Hi, Sophia. This is Karen Hutchinson with Unified Talent Agency. Your screenplayLost Heartwas forwarded to me, and I loved it. You have a rare mix of action, humor, and romance that I think would really sell right now. I could easily see this going to major studios, or streaming services, if that’s the route you’d rather go. I’d obviously like to talk to you about representation and see what else you have in the works. Romantic comedy scripts were mentioned by my colleague? Do you have any finished or partials? Anyhow, please call me back and let’s talk.”

I screamed.

Straight up screamed.

This couldn’t be real.

It had to be a prank.

No one had my new number.

But I knew the name. Karen Hutchinson was on my dream list for representation. And if it was a joke, how did they know the name of my treasure hunt screenplay? Oh my god, it had to be real.

I screamed again.

My hands shook as I bobbled my phone.

Should I call her back?

Should I wait and get myself under control so I didn’t sound like a babbling moron when I finally talked to her?

Who was I kidding? I was going to be shaking for days. I couldn’t wait that long to call her back.

My parents came tearing into the room.

“What’s going on?” My dad asked with a harried expression. “Why are you screaming?”

“Are you okay?” My mom’s question ran over the top of Dad’s. “What did that asshole do this time?”


Of course. It was the only thing that made sense.

My fingers went numb and my phone fell into my lap. He must’ve sent my screenplay to Karen. Some of my euphoria drained out of me. I hadn’t earned it after all. This was just Rome’s way of making amends for not holding up his end of our original bargain.

It wasn’t real. I hadn’t earned it.

“What’s going on?” Dad asked again.

“Nothing.” I muttered, burying my face in my hands.

“It can’t be nothing, honey.” The couch sank on my left as my dad sat beside me. “You can tell us.”

“I don’t… It doesn’t matter, Dad.” My voice was muffled from my hands, but I couldn’t bear to look at either of them. They’d seen me cry so many times since I’d come home. But I just felt so stupid. “I thought something great had happened, but now I realize that it’s not real.”

“Sophie, honey. I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

I felt something brush against my legs and looked up in time to see my mom grab my cell phone. “Mom! That’s private.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance