Page 37 of All I Need

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When I met his gaze, his eyes softened. In another second, he was right in front of me, reaching for my hands. I was twisting my fingers tightly together, a cue to how anxious I was.

“I don’t have to stay,” he murmured.

I blinked and took a deep breath. “I don’t know why I’m freaking out.”

Tucking my forehead into the curve of his neck, I found his scent comforting. He was always warm and smelled a little crisp with a spicy hint underneath. As I breathed him in, I realized something. My comfort with him and simply telling him how I felt answered all of my questions. I didn’t know how this would play out, but my feelings were real and true. It felt as if I had tapped into a spring deep in my being, one I’d forgotten, with emotions rushing forth.

Noah was right. Wedidknow each other, even if we were relearning each other and forming a new connection.

Lifting my head, I met his eyes. “No. I want you to stay.”

Then I took him by the hand and led him into my bedroom, across the hallway from Quinn’s.



My need had been humming through my body all evening. I’d been keeping it on a tight leash, but my cock was swollen to the point of aching. It didn’t help to have Sasha wearing a silky blouse where the top button was just low enough that I could see the shadowed valley between the soft curves of her breasts. At one point, she lifted her hand to brush her hair off her shoulder, and the silk slid to the side, just enough for my eyes to play peekaboo with the navy blue lace hiding there.

When the bedroom door clicked shut behind us, I spun her around and pressed her against it. There was a low hum in her throat and a little hitch in her breath, the sounds driving spurs in the flanks of my need.

Her eyes met mine, dark with need. “I think you have a thing for doors,” she murmured, her tone sultry and teasing.

I shook my head, dipping low until my lips brushed over hers as I answered, “It’s not the doors. It’s you. You make me too impatient to get much farther than the door.”

I could feel the heat of her arousal at the apex of her thighs as I pressed flush against her and fit my mouth over hers. I needed this kiss on a cellular level. Raw, pure, elemental desire was sizzling through me and scrambling every synapse in my brain.

Sasha met me with bold, teasing strokes of her tongue, the little sounds in her throat driving me absolutely fucking wild as our kiss went deeper. I devoured her mouth, laying claim to it with as much fervor as I wanted to love her. By the time our lips broke apart, we were both breathless, gasping for air.

Sasha blinked up at me, pressing a palm to my chest, just over my heart. “We’re going to have to keep the volume down,” she whispered.

While her words weren’t intended to be sexy, her throaty, husky voice was. My hips rocked against hers, restless to slake the pressure of my arousal.

“Okay,” I murmured, reluctantly stepping back from her bedroom door.

I had just enough sense to dimly realize that the door was the closest to Quinn’s bedroom across the hall. As much as I wanted to take Sasha right then and there, maybe a few extra feet were warranted.

Sasha shimmied out from between me and the door, catching one of my hands in hers as I turned. I took in her bedroom. There was nothing remarkable about it, except that it was hers. My gaze took in a queen-sized bed piled high with pillows and a fluffy silvery-gray down quilt. A square purple rug lay on the hardwood floor at the foot of her bed with a dresser to one side and a small night table on the other.

On the wall hung a photo of Haven’s Bay. Maine’s rugged and beautiful coastline showed off in Haven’s Bay with rocky cliffs on one side that shifted to a sandy beach on the other. It was a sunset photo, and the shimmer of red, orange, and gold in the sky was reflected in the water in the bay. The boats in the harbor looked stately and beautiful under the setting sun.

“Haven’s Bay,” I murmured.

Sasha nodded. “I always loved that photo.”

The brief respite from the need galloping through me ended when she gave my hand a little tug. When I turned to face her, she leaned up, and this time, she took the lead with another kiss. I forgot where I was. Hell, I forgot everything but the feel of her lips and tongue teasing mine. In a hot second, her naughty fingers unbuttoned my jeans, and her silky palm dipped into my boxers. She shoved my jeans down just enough for my cock to spring free.

In another fiery second, her silky palm curled around my length, and my cock leaped under her touch. She murmured something, and I felt her thumb sliding over the tip, which was slippery from the pre-cum already dripping out of me.

Fuck me. Sasha had no idea just how completely she held me in her thrall. Heat blazed through me, the snapping fire engulfing me when she knelt, and I felt her warm mouth close over my thick crown. My hand tangled in her hair when she sucked me in. I gasped her name. She lifted her head long enough to say, “Be quiet.”

Jesus. Taking orders from Sasha was easy, except that one. I had to grit my teeth to contain the raw pleasure trying to rip loose in my throat. She sucked me in again and pumped me lightly in her grip, her fist slick from her mouth.

Scrambling to get some control, I tugged lightly on her hair where I’d laced my fingers. She lifted her head, and I bit out, “I need to be inside you.”

Our clothes came off in a blur, tossed this way and that on the floor. A moment later, Sasha was shimmying back on the bed, and I caught her ankle lightly. She froze, her eyes locking with mine when she looked up. She was naked, her breasts rising and falling with the rapid gusts of her breath. Her nipples were tight little peaks, dusky deep pink under the light cast from a lamp beside her bed. One of her knees had fallen out to the side, and I could see her pussy—pink, glistening, and swollen.

My cock throbbed. I had wisely already rolled a condom on as soon as I kicked my jeans off. “I need to taste you,” I murmured, my voice low, almost guttural.

Tags: J.H. Croix Romance