Page 38 of All I Need

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I slid my palm up her thigh, savoring as her other knee fell to the side when I leaned over. I breathed in her scent—musky, sweet, and salty. I licked into her, once and then again. She cried out, her hips rolling into my mouth. I lifted my head just as I sank two fingers inside her core. She let out a moan.

“Be quiet,” I parried her words back at her.

“Noah,” she pleaded. “Please, I need you.”

Well, when she said it like that, there was only one thing to do. I rose, the mattress giving under my weight as I came down over her. Propping myself on my elbows, I brushed her tangled hair away from her face and kissed her as the tip of my cock teased at her slippery wet entrance.

She gasped into my mouth. I sheathed myself in her silky, clenching heat in one slow slide until I was buried to the root. Her pussy rippled around me, and I almost came. I clenched my teeth and dragged my eyes open. I needed to see her.

“Noah,” she panted, her hips bucking against me. “I need—”

I drew back and thrust forward in one swift surge, filling her completely and savoring her raspy cry. She bit her lip to try to stay quiet. A few more strokes, and I could feel her climax coming as her body began to tremble and her channel clamped tighter and tighter around me. My release was threatening, sizzling like lightning and fire at the base of my spine as my balls tightened.

My name came out in a choked cry as she shuddered roughly when I buried myself once more. Then it was all over but for the shudders of my own body and my release rolling through me in waves. I was spent by the time it was over and collapsed against her. I shifted quickly, rolling so she rested half on top of me.

We lay there together, my heartbeat echoing through my body as my breath slowed. Sasha’s skin was damp against mine, and I sifted my fingers through her hair.

I did not want to leave her side, but I had to ask the question.

“Should I go for the night?”



I felt boneless as pleasure continued to ping through my body. I heard the rumble of Noah’s words against my ear where I lay on his chest. It took an effort to lift my head. I curled my hand into a fist and rested my chin on it. His eyes were intent as they searched mine.

“Is that a responsibility question?” I asked. His brows hitched up. “That’s what I say to Quinn when she’s asking me something about being responsible,” I clarified. “I don’t want you to go. Do you feel like you should because Quinn’s here?”

He shook his head. “Not really, but if you thought so, then I would drag my ass out of this bed, kiss you good night, and very reluctantly leave.”

His answer delighted me, and I giggled, dipping my head and pressing a kiss in the divot at the base of his throat. “I think she can handle tonight. Plus, that gives us more time.”

When Noah’s lips curled into a slow smile, my belly flipped, and my heart felt exposed. This manslayedme in more ways than one.

“More?” he prompted.

“Yes, more.”

What began as a teasing moment, suddenly felt deeply intimate. I knew the surface of our words was about sex and the chemistry that felt like a fire bomb in the sky, but the undercurrent wasallemotion. I was falling so deeply for this man that I didn’t know what to think. I feared my efforts to take it slow and do something like a sensible adult were all for naught.

“It’s more, and that’s all that matters,” he murmured, his words spinning around my heart and cinching tightly.

And so it was that Noah fell asleep beside me with my daughter across the hallway for the first time in my life. It felt exactly right. And that terrified me.

* * *

When I woke the next morning, I heard the shower running and smelled coffee. I wondered if Noah had left already. For a split second, I wondered if the night had been a dream. We’d fallen asleep together. Later, I’d woken up with him curled up behind me and felt the hot press of his arousal against my bottom.

He’d teased me to another climax with his fingers before lifting my thigh and sliding into me from behind. He’d fucked me slowly in the darkness, unraveling me until I trembled with pleasure and had to bury my cries in the pillow.

When I moved after waking, I felt the twinges of soreness, of being loved so thoroughly. When I stretched my arm out to the side, the sheets were still warm, so I knew he’d only recently gotten up, perhaps moments earlier.

I lay there for another minute, cradling the memories of last night like a gift inside my heart. I also needed to scramble up some courage. Because now I had to face Quinn. With Noah here. In the morning.

I heard the shower turn off. With a sigh, I kicked the covers back and got up, tugging on my around-the-house sweatpants and a comfy fleece top. I splashed water on my face and brushed my teeth in the still steamy bathroom. Padding down the hallway a few minutes later, I found Noah pouring a cup of coffee and Quinn at the kitchen table. She had a bowl of oatmeal in front of her and was already showered. Noah’s hair was freshly damp and his cheeks still a little flushed, so I surmised he was the one who had the water running moments ago.

Quinn glanced up. For a split second, she looked so young that my palm flew to my chest. She didn’t have her glasses on, and her eyes were bright. She smiled. “Morning, Mom,” she said in a sing-song voice. “Noah made me oatmeal, and it’s good.”

Tags: J.H. Croix Romance