Page 4 of His Bella

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“Bella…” he said with a huge sigh.

“Something wrong Grant?”

“Seems we have an issue about the confidentiality of our clients and the big man upstairs is livid. We need something to put out there, something that will not ruin the firm and not get me killed,” he said only half joking.

“Wow, that’s big. So, what can I do?”

“Think you can go and soothe the beast for a bit while we get the attorneys in the building and figure out something?”

“You think I can calm the great white jerk down until the attorneys get here so then he can’t kill anyone?” she asked with a grin.

“I hope so. He’s not likely to hurt a woman but I can’t say the same for any of the rest of us. You haven’t met Tyler yet, have you? Words of warning, his bark isn’t worse than his bite and if he picks up something large…duck.”

“I see, you’re sending me into a meeting with a potentially homicidal maniac—not trying to get rid of me around here already, are you?” she teased.

“Trying to keep the rest of us here from dying along with the company, you have a way of smoothing anything over; it’s one of the reasons why we chose you for the position. The attorneys should be here within the hour so hopefully he can’t tear too much skin off your nose before then.”

“It’s fine Grant, really. Is he expecting me?”

“He will be,” Grant assured her as she gathered a few things and headed upstairs. At least she got her promotion before Tyler found out she was actually working for him, but it was her birthday and there was no way he’d kill her on her birthday.

Tyler’s assistant, yet another new one, greeted her as she entered the outer office. Her panicked expression would have been comical had she not been aware of Tyler’s gruff demeanor on a good day but when he was in a bad mood, he was worse than a raging bull.

“Excuse me Mr. Reed the new junior VP from the PR department is here,” she said barely above a whisper as she opened the door to Tyler’s office and stepped aside to let her in.

“Send them in and for God’s sake speak up, I don’t need to strain my hearing,” he bellowed.

“Good luck,” she whispered to her as Bella stepped into the office.

“Don’t need it,” Bella assured her. She walked inside and over to stand in front of his desk waiting for him to recognize her.

“Don’t the people working in the PR department usually speak?” he asked looking up, surprise hitting him. “Sorry I thought you were the new junior VP…no…Bella!” he added when she simply stared at him in return, a slow smile forming on her lips.

“What?” she said continuing to grin as he came around and hugged her.

“This was the job you were talking about? Well, the one before this, but why? If you wanted to work here, you could have just asked Bella.”

“I didn’t want the position simply for being your friend or your father’s goddaughter. I specifically used the name Bella Spencer because no one would relate it to Arabella Angel or Arabella Spencer Remsen. Now everyone downstairs will know that I got there on my own, there won’t be whispers behind my back saying that I got it because you made it happen. I earned this on my own merit, not because I’m a model or a pseudo-model now, and not because you gave it to me.”

“I have no doubt that you earned this, and I’m glad for you. You could have told me you were working here, and I wouldn’t have interfered, but why here? You’re a client Bella, isn’t it a bit off to also work here?”

“Arabella Angel is a client but here I’m not her. Besides, working here I know firsthand that it’s safe. Now we’ve got a bit of a problem it seems, the client list getting out?”

“Don’t remind me, why did Grant send you up? Ah…because you’re young and very attractive and…it’s your birthday. Happy birthday Bella,” he added kissing her cheek. “Why don’t I take you to dinner after we get this situation handled, unless you have other plans?”

“No other plans, and for not biting my head off for not telling you I’ll let you see the latest ad a bit early. My Christmas fabulousness and all…”

“I’d love to,” he said as a knock sounded on the door. “Ah time to get back to being a total ass.”

“Not a total, after all if I get you into the meeting and you’re not growling like a bear with a thorn in its paw then it’ll be another feather in my cap. Behave or no preview,” she added seeing him debate it still.

“Come in,” he stated as another knock sounded.

“Tyler,” Grant said, “I see you’ve met Bella. The attorneys are setting up in the conference room. We’re ready whenever you are.”

“Right behind you, right Bella?”

“Right Mr. Reed,” she said with a wink only he could see.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance