Page 3 of His Bella

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“Explain please.”

“I’m starting work in a PR office.”

“You graduated with your undergrad finally…and didn’t tell me?” he asked, upset and frustrated that she didn’t. He liked knowing what she was doing, far more than he should. “Why didn’t your parents say anything? They threw that bash for Izzie.”

“They don’t know, and it’s actually my masters—I’ve been here for the majority of the past two years, my shoots have been around the city mostly and if I needed to travel, I made sure that it would work with my classes.”

“That’s amazing Bella, but why not tell your parents? Rub their noses in the fact that you’ve managed to beat Izzie at getting your masters?”

“Honestly, I’m over it. I don’t know exactly when it happened, I guess not long after I told Izzie what I thought of David—but I simply don’t care anymore. They’re never going to change and accept me—I might as well not be related to them for all it matters. Why should I try and compete? I know what I’ve done and what I haven’t done and so what if I used the way I look to bring in money? I bought this place when I was fifteen, updated it to be worth twice what I paid for it. I graduated high school when I was sixteen while working as one of the highest paid runway and print models, and though I’ve given up runway I still bring in more for one shoot than most of the girls I work with dream about.”

“So why are you going into PR?” he asked hoping she truly meant being beyond her parents’ and sisters’ disapproval of her and would start living it as well. She hid far too much because of them and that wasn’t what he wanted for her.

“I’ve been doing my own for the last three years, anything that comes out, comes from me. Statements refuting the latest rumor they’ve cooped up, tidbits regarding the Angels line…that’s all me and I love it. I don’t want to live in the spotlight, I never really have actually, which is why this will work. I’m still contracted with Angels but most of the time you can’t even see my face which means no one should relate me to Arabella Angel.”

“Come on Bella you don’t really believe that do you?” he said with a laugh. He’d recognize her in an instant whether dressed up or down, and that was the truth. She drew people in and then kept them far, far away, which simply made her ease with him more appealing.

“It’s true. Trust me, we could go out to a club right now and I wouldn’t get in, even wearing the dress from the ads, because I don’t look like Arabella. Without all the makeup and perfect hairstyle, especially the tinted ends in my hair, no one recognizes me. All of the gimmicks, hats, and hairdos I wore on the runway kept anyone from really knowing who I was, then when the Angels ads started, they liked that air of mystery and used it.”

“They’re idiots then because you are Arabella.”

“Arabella’s mysterious anytime she’s seen, wherever she’s seen. She’s never with the same guy twice, and never wears the same thing twice. She’s never done a beauty ad to add to that mystery or so the masses claim. Really, it’s because I don’t want all of that attention on me daily. Don’t worry Ty, you’ll still get your new Angels Christmas photo for you to add to your collection,” she joked leaning towards him, her hand stroking his arm innocently.

“That’s good because you know I can’t live without it,” he replied getting up before he did something really stupid, like kiss her the way he wanted, longed to do, had for the longest time and wouldn’t, refused to risk losing her if it scared her. “You’ll be okay if I go? I think I’m a bit confused on the time and if I plan on showing my face in the office on Monday, I think I should get some sleep.”

“I’ve been on my own since I was thirteen and being shoved out in front of cameras…I’ll be fine. Thank you for bringing me home,” she said kissing his cheek. She watched as his long six foot five inches walked over to the elevator and pressed the down button.

“Behave Bella,” he said waving goodnight.

“Never do,” she laughed as he disappeared from sight. She wished he’d stayed longer, he was one of the only men alive she could relax around, but she could tell he was tired. He always got moody and pulled away when he was tired, exactly like he did just now.


“Congratulations Bella.”

“Congrats Bella…”

“Congratulations Bella, gotta say I thought you got the promotion based on your looks but that was the best thing I’ve ever read, you’ve got a way with words,” Darren said as she passed by him.

In the last four months she’d managed to build something great here, and somehow keep it from everyone important. Thanksgiving was right around the corner, and she was about to unveil the latest ad in the Angels series as well as celebrate her new promotion to junior VP and the amazing reception of her first fully authored news release.

“Thanks Darren, charming as ever,” she said rolling her eyes.

“I saw that,” Jessica whispered joining her as she walked to her new office. “By the way, the biggest most amazing bouquet of flowers just arrived for you.”

“Really?” she stated knowing who they were from without needing to read the card as she saw the gorgeous blooms that were standard from the group at Angels.

“For your promotion?” Jessica asked with a grin.

“No, my birthday,” she admitted.

“It’s your birthday?!”

“Say it a little louder why don’t you, I don’t think the staff on the first floor heard.”

“Sorry but how could you keep this to yourself? It’s your birthday Bella, you should be out celebrating, especially with your promotion this past week…uh oh. I’ll be at my desk if you need anything else,” she said hurrying out as several people came into the outer office.

The group walked into the president of public relations’ office and closed the door as Bella watched their movements through the open blinds. She was going through her email when her door opened and Grant, the president of the PR department came into it eyeing her intently.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance