Page 20 of His Bella

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“Ty, I get it, there’s going to try and sexualize anything I do; I just don’t want it to affect us. You’re my best friend and I don’t want to lose that or you.”

“You won’t. Why don’t we start over?” he suggested. “Did you have a good nap?”

“It was bliss,” she grinned. “I’d forgotten what it was like to really sleep.”

“That’s what happens when you stay away for six months,” he teased. “Now are you hungry, tired?”

“Starved,” she admitted, “the last thing I had to eat was early this morning…late last night here actually.”

“It’s only ten-fifteen, we can head out and get something if you want…no?” he said as she shook her head. “Order in?”

“Actually…I’d love an omelet,” she said fluttering her eyelashes at him.

“I pick you up from the airport, carry you to bed, let you sleep even though I haven’t heard from you or talked to you in months, and now you want me to cook for you?”

“You make the best omelets,” she offered with a giant smile.

“I’m guessing you had Janet stock the fridge?” he said already moving to the kitchen.

“Yup,” she laughed following him.

He began getting the ingredients from the fridge, looking for a pan and her knives to dice up the vegetables as he suggested, “Why don’t you hop into the shower? I know you’re dying to after your flight and nap. I’ll have your omelet ready when you’re done.”

“You’re the best Ty,” she said kissing his cheek before dashing down the hallway to her bedroom. She turned on the water, adjusting the temperature, and checked out her reflection in the mirror. Alright she did look like she’d just gotten out of bed, which wasn’t shocking since she had, but she just couldn’t quite understand his reaction to her or her reaction to his reaction.

“Don’t mess this up Bella,” she warned herself again as she reopened her bedroom door and headed back to the kitchen her wet hair gathered up in a bun on top of her head in time to see Tyler transfer the omelet onto a plate.

“Feeling better?” he asked relaxing against the counter when he saw she was fully covered in her yoga pants and tank top.

“Much,” she answered sitting down at the counter where he’d put her plate and digging in before he could walk around and join her.

“Mmm,” she sighed closing her eyes. “This is heaven. No one can make an omelet like you. I swear I’m going to be jealous of the woman who finally catches you because she’ll get to have these all the time.”

“Who says I’ll make them for her?” he stated taking a sip of his water to dislodge the bit of food that had gotten caught at her mention of him marrying someone else.

“Oh, I’m sure she’d just love knowing that you’d come over here and make one for me but not her,” she laughed. “I can see the headline now, ‘Arabella Angel steals another woman’s breakfast’ or something worse…”

“I suppose she could go on a talk show claiming, ‘my husband only cooks for home wrecking supermodel,’” he added.

“Ah yes, that’s Arabella, home wrecker extraordinaire,” she agreed happily. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too Bella—want to tell me why you stayed away, didn’t bother to call me, talk to me about anything outside of Reed Financial?”

“Because I was homesick and I knew if I came back, I wouldn’t want to leave. I also knew if I forced myself to stay away until I got past it, I’d be able to come and go as needed,” she said hedging on a half-truth.

“Well next time you decide to run off for six months you better take my calls or else I’m likely to come and find you, wherever you’re trying to hide, and drag you back here to hang out with me.”

“Can’t get any decent dates for your business functions?” she teased.

“Not a one, the last date thought a balance sheet was an apparatus that gymnasts used,” he stated somehow with a straight face.

“No…way…” she said between giggles. “Where do you meet these women, Ty? Boobs-R-Us?”

“Boobs-n-Things,” he rebutted causing her to laugh even more. She’d been right to take the next two weeks off, she’d be able to rest up before the Angels’ shoot and attend the company picnic with Tyler but mostly she’d be able to indulge in her need to see him.


Summer is officially here and so is the latest Angels’ swimsuit ad featuring the delightful Arabella Angel in full crowning glory but it’s not just her ad that’s hitting the internet. In the last month there has been more than one photo crop up of Arabella and Chrysler looking quite intimate but in the last five days it’s not Chrysler who’s been entertaining the Angels’ Angel.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance