Page 21 of His Bella

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Arabella was seen being greeted by none other than the president of Reed Financial, Tyler Reed at JFK this past Monday, a greeting those present said was more than the friendly ‘hi ya’ that would be expected of ‘just friends’ Arabella Angel and Tyler Reed. Might a new love triangle be growing, especially as Chrysler was seen getting off a plane yesterday before going to the opening of Hobbyist, where we caught video of Arabella and Tyler looking quite intimate?

Only time will tell which man Arabella chooses the twenty-year-old male model with abs girls dream of or the thirty-three-year-old financial genius who is an old family friend. Sources close to Arabella say she’s nowhere near to making a choice as the two continue to compete, now in person, for her affection. We say may the best man win, because we’re guaranteed to win no matter who that may be.

“I see you’ve seen it,” Bella sighed slipping into Tyler’s office Friday afternoon as the bit from last night replayed. “I’m so sorry Tyler. Especially since Craig is being such an ass and is determined to play this out.”

“Bella, it’s fine,” he stated. “You’d be surprised at the number of new clients we’re getting because of the publicity being attached to you has brought us. Come on Bella that was a joke,” he added seeing the look that crossed her face. “Honey, it really is fine. I’m just worried that this jerk won’t take no for an answer.”

“He’s not the first person to latch onto me in hopes of getting their fifteen minutes and turning it into more but he’s the first I can’t do anything about without becoming the bad guy.”

“How’s that?”

“Normally I’d expose them, prove that they have a girlfriend already, that they’re trying to land a movie or a record deal, but exposing Craig means outing him and if I do that, then all the drama gets heaped on my door for being a bitch.”

“Not necessarily,” he said as an idea formed. “What if you made it clear that you have chosen?”

“And how would I do that?” she asked.

“You let it slip that we’re more than ‘just friends’ and that we have been for some time,” he suggested.

“Then the media will want to know what I’ve been doing with Craig.”

“Call him out; let it be known that he’s been trying to use you for his own career or that he’s been trying to break us up, but it won’t work and that you want nothing to do with him.”

“That could work, except…”

“Except what Bella?”

“How do we deal with the constant questioning from not only the media but also your parents about the future? We do this and no one will ever accept that we can go from relationship, fake as it might be, back to friendship. Let alone that anyone you or I date will be comfortable with our closeness after it.”

“We’ll deal with that when it happens, but it would keep you from outing him and keep other suitors away, at least partially,” he offered.

“Let’s see how the next week goes,” she suggested. “He has shoots planned in town and if he tries anything then we’ll go with it.”

“Alright,” he agreed, “now what do you want to do tonight?”

“There’s the fundraiser for the children’s hospital tonight, I got a last-minute invitation which is why I’m here, well the second reason.”

“Good thing I have a clean suit at home then, what are you wearing?”

“A dress Toby designed for me, it’s a dark grey so no matter what color shirt you wear we’ll be good,” she told him and at seven-fifteen when he picked her up, she found she was quite right.

“Wow, it’s not the showstopper the other one was but still,” he said giving her a twirl and admiring the halter style and the dark grey crushed looking fabric that left her back bare to the waist.

“You should see the one he’s designing for the heart gala, it’s red of course, but well you’ll see,” she teased taking the wrap that went with the dress and slipping her arm into his. “You look good too.”

“Thank you, this gorgeous creature I know picked out the suit, the shirt, and the tie the last time I let her take me shopping because she was tired of seeing the same suits day in and day out.”

“Well, whoever she was, she has fabulous taste.” Bella laughed letting the smile remain on her face for the majority of the evening.

“Bella, it’s been ages since I’ve seen you,” a man a few inches taller than her five-eleven frame stated as they circulated around the room again.

“Dr. Harris…Evan,” she corrected herself before he could. “I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight.”

“The hospital and the shelter recently partnered together,” he answered. “It is so good to see you.”

“And you,” she said smiling gently at him before she caught Tyler’s questioning gaze. “Evan, this is Tyler Reed, Tyler, Evan is the director of the New Hope Shelter.”

“The rape and abuse crisis center for teens?” Tyler questioned as his gaze softened as he looked at her.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance