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He wanted to keep her, he realized. When he’d wondered about love at first sight, that very first day, he’d already been smitten. But as he’d gotten to know her properly over these past few days, he already felt a soul deep connection that went deeper than he’d felt with any other woman. Even those he’d known much longer.

Beth reached up and looped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back and he snuggled her to him, loving the feel of her in his arms.

And he wondered if there was any kind of future for them.

* * *

Beth sank into Mitch’s kiss. Was she in too deep? It wasn’t the first time she’d considered it. But every time the unwelcome thought occurred, she cut it off. It was just that they’d caught her at the most opportune moment, when she’d been heading on a one way path to defeat. They’d turned that right around for her, and that was why she had these unexpected feelings for them.

She felt the same way towards all three of the, surely that was proof enough. It was just gratitude, there couldn’t be any other explanation. She hadn’t known them long enough.

Plus sex with three men, far from being detached, like she’d thought it would be, because of the number of people involved, was actually a very personal thing. It required a level of trust she hadn’t fully appreciated prior to this trip. It needed so many variables to fall into place that it simply couldn’t happen without everybody being completely invested, both in the scene and in each other.

A fulfilling scene between only two people could be tricky enough to get right where strangers were involved. Throw an extra two people into the mix and the complexities were tenfold and the chances of getting things right fractional.

Beth was completely aware of that now. These unusual feelings were simply born of awe and appreciation, because, in hindsight, she knew how rare that was.

It was far more unbelievable that she’d expected to come here and just hook up with three guys and get it on successfully. She realised, now, just how unlikely that really was, so the fact that she’d accomplished it was simply unbelievable. Her subconscious simply appreciated that and responded accordingly.

That’s all it was.

And let’s face it, this whole trip was one big fantasy. The tropical island with its golden sand and turquoise sea. The colourful marine life which teemed beneath the warm waves. The abundant foliage with flowers as big as your hand. The exotic birds with their distinctive sounds. Add in the romance of moonlight over the palms, reflected on the gentle water and it was easy to be seduced. But the reality was that this was a different world and once she returned home, Elysium, and everything - everyone - on it would be relegated to the stuff of dreams. Exactly where it was supposed to be.

And if she immersed herself in that dream right now? Well, that was perfectly normal, wasn’t it? Anyone would do the same.

That’s what she told herself, anyway.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic