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Beth howled and toppled over the edge, her clutching sheath milking him of his own climax as he roared his completion.

* * *

On Tuesday Jed and Sawyer took her snorkeling off of a small, private bay. Something she’d never considered and hadn’t known she would enjoy. But seeing the brightly colored tropical fish swimming leisurely around the lacy fingers of coral was almost as exciting as swimming with the dolphins had been.

Jed had packed a picnic and the three of them sat on the beach of the secluded cove, which the guys explained was not one of the tourist destinations since the owners of the island wanted to protect the turtles that laid their eggs here in the summer. Plus, it wasn’t easily accessible which meant their privacy was assured.

* * *

After packing away the picnic Jed had brought with him from the restaurant, Beth lay on the blanket they’d spread out on the sand and Sawyer stripped off her swimsuit. Then he lay down beside her and proceeded to lick every drop of water from her warm skin, reveling in her taste.

Jed joined him and when they were done, Beth was writhing and whimpering between them.

“Oh god, you can’t leave me hanging after that!” She exclaimed as Jed rolled her over and the two of them slathered sun cream over every inch of exposed skin.

By the time they were done she was panting, her eyes glazed with hunger. Damn, she was beautiful.

Not for the first time, he marveled that she was still single. His Bethy had everything going for her. She was smart and sassy, giving and adventurous. The whole package and Sawyer couldn’t help wishing she lived closer. Except she wasn’t his, was she.

The thought brought some age-old remorse to the forefront of his mind of ‘the one who got away.’

He’d prevaricated over a relationship before and lived to regret it. Did he want to do that again?

Things were new with Beth, but when something was right you just knew. He’d be up for trying a relationship with her, but would she be interested in the long-distance thing? Sawyer loved Elysium, but the trouble with living on a remote Caribbean Island was that it wasn’t close to anywhere.

Would she be interested in dating the three of them? Maybe they could alter their down time so they could each take an alternate week off. Then she’d at least have one of them with her most of the time, as well as a week to herself.

Or would she prefer all three of them together?

Except maybe neither option would work. She’d already mentioned how her prudish employers considered themselves the morality police and frowned on anything that might bring the company into disrepute.

Sawyer pushed the thoughts aside as he pulled her on top of him, helping her to seat herself on his throbbing shaft.

He cupped her cheeks and brought her to him so he could taste her sweet mouth and enjoyed the heavy press of her magnificent tits smashed into his chest.

Behind her Jed sheathed himself and lubed up as Sawyer swallowed Beth’s breathy moans and his friend pushed through the tight ring of her sphincter.

He closed his eyes and lost himself in the twin sensation of Beth’s succulent lips and the slide of Jed’s cock against his own through the thin membrane of skin that separated them. He wasn’t remotely attracted to the same sex, but nothing beat this unique stimulation.

Beth tore her mouth away from his and sucked in an audible breath as she threw her head back.

She was a goddess. Her beautiful breasts bounced and beckoned to him, so he pulled a nipple into his mouth and suckled deeply, causing her to rock on his sensitive cock.

Then Jed set up a brutal pace, obviously as desperate as he was, and the three of them rode each other to completion.

* * *

On Wednesday Mitch took Beth to the casino and taught her how to play all the different games. It was fair to say she was not a natural. But he figured she still had as much fun as any other day. The two of them were in hysterics by the end of the afternoon, as they laughed about her botched hands and awful poker face.

“Oh my god, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much in my life,” she wheezed as they left the Empyrean hotel on the opposite side of the island - the ‘vanilla’ side. While the Tartarean housed the kink club in its basement, the Empyrean housed the casino.

“Then you definitely need to get out more,” Mitch laughed. “Stick with me babe, I’ll show you a good time.”

Beth sobered and studied him with a soft look in her mahogany brown eyes. He could drown in that melted chocolate gaze of hers.

“You always show me a good time,” she whispered.

Mitch couldn’t help himself. He pulled her to him right there in front of the hotel and caressed her lips with his own.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic