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On the Thursday they had somehow all managed to take the day off. No doubt by pulling a lot of strings.

“What do you want to do?” Mitch asked.

“Anything you want, we can arrange it,” Jed added.

Beth sighed. “Honestly, I’d just like to hang out and relax for a little while. I’m going home tomorrow and whilst I’ve loved every single outing you’ve taken me on, I’d actually just like to spend my last day with you. Especially since I have you all to myself.”

So that’s what they did. They spent the morning on the sun terrace, overlooking the sea. The guys took turns making sure she was safely slathered in sunscreen and Beth returning the favor.

They ate a leisurely lunch which she ordered delivered to the penthouse and they chatted about everything and anything.

She asked them to explain their business more fully and watched as they came alive talking about it.

“Can I look at your business plan and costs?” she asked, catching on to their enthusiasm.

Sawyer looked uncomfortable and Mitch and Jed exchanged glances.

Beth bit back the hurt that they didn’t want to share and shrugged. “Forget it, it doesn’t matter,” she said, forcing lightness into her voice. “I understand it’s a private thing.”

“It’s not that,” Sawyer replied, reaching out to massage her shoulder. “It’s just that our figures are severely lacking. We’re good with the ideas, but budgets and forecasting are not our forte.

Beth brightened. “Well, luckily for you, it is mine!” she said, suddenly filled with excitement. This was something she could do for them. A way to say thank you and show her appreciation for everything they’d done for her. “Send me what you’ve got, and I’ll see what I can do with it.”

Mitch grabbed his phone and tapped a few buttons. “Here, put in your email address,” he suggested, passing it to her.

Beth did so and a moment later several files arrived in her inbox. She glanced through them quickly, but it didn’t take her long to realize they needed a fair amount of work doing on them.

“Hmm, I’ll need to work on these after I get home,” she murmured, then paused and looked up. “Oh… um, assuming you don’t mind keeping in touch, that is,” she said, biting her lip.

Jed flashed a smile her way and it eased the butterflies that had started swarming in her stomach. “Bethy, these past few days have been special, of course we want to stay in touch.”

She could have pushed for more then, but she didn’t dare. And what was there anyway? She lived over a thousand miles away and didn’t have the kind of job which would tolerate the scandal of her having three lovers.

Truth was, as much as she wanted them, there were major hurdles to jump, and there wasn’t enough time to deal with any of those right now.

But maybe in the future…

The stark realization that this was her last night rose up to hit her between the eyes and suddenly she was desperate to have them.

She must have telegraphed those thoughts, either that or they were all on the same wavelength, because in a flurry of movement they all came together.

Clothing was stripped off and flung around the room and from somewhere Sawyer miraculously produced a toy bag.

She’d expected them to move to the bedroom, but it seemed the guys had other plans.

Beth’s eyes widened as Sawyer threw a pair of lined handcuffs to Jed who made quick work of securing her wrists while Mitch pressed some secret button Beth was completely unaware of and had a heavy chain unraveling from some secret compartment in the ceiling.

Jed fastened the cuffs to the chain and Mitch adjusted the mechanism until her arms were fully extended above her head.

Her tummy was a seething mass of snakes as she watched, open mouthed as Sawyer unpacked more goodies from his bag.

A spreader bar - where the hell had he hidden that?!

Lube, which he placed on the nearby cabinet.

Three - yes three - floggers with long leather fronds.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic