Page 13 of Basic Instinct

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Colt’s question pulled her out of her reverie, and she shook her head. “No, nothing’s changed,” she told him clearly, despite the slight warble in her voice.

In truth, Kimi didn’t think there was anything that she wouldn’t do if these men asked it of her, whether it was on her limit list or not. But she kept that dangerous comment to herself, although she doubted any one of them would take advantage of that knowledge. All three of them were the epitome of responsible Dom’s.

“Have you experienced double penetration before, Kimi?” Shay asked a little more softly, his fingers still drawing lines from her elbow to her shoulder.

“N-no,” she stammered, her cheeks heating. She was such a neophyte. Would her lack of experience be a turn off?

She forced herself to be brave, to see the expression on their faces, but far from the distaste she imagined, they all looked rather smugly satisfied.

Kimi didn’t know what to make of that.

“How much experience do you have with anal sex?” Colt continued. Kimi hadn’t thought it was possible to blush any harder than she already was, but apparently, she was wrong.

“N-none,” She dropped her eyes. It was too much. Any minute now they were going to decide that this was all much more trouble than it was worth since she basically knew nothing.

“What about with toys; plugs?” Colt continued.

Kimi shook her head miserably, squeezing her eyes closed against the tears that threatened to spill over. This time not even the words would come, and she wrapped her arms self-consciously around her waist, waiting for them to tell her to re-dress and leave so they could find someone who knew what they were doing.

Behind her Shay stepped forwards, his finger hooking under her chin and turning her head to the side, so she was forced to look at him.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” he asked kindly. “Is this all too much for you? Poly play can be overwhelming when you’re new to it. Do you want to stop?”

Kimi bit her lip and sniffled. “It’s not that. I’m just no good for you. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m sorry.”

She tried to duck her head again, but Shay wouldn’t let her. His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her back against the hard length of him, so his obvious erection dug into the small of her back. “Don’t apologize. Everyone starts somewhere.” There was a hint of warning in his voice, reminding her that she’d already been reprimanded for saying sorry too many times.

“You’ll do just fine.” Shay’s voice took on a husky resonance that spoke to her fears as much as his words. “Nothing turns Dom’s like us on more than knowing we’re shaping and molding our submissive into the best version of herself; taking those first, tentative steps together with her.”

The tension drained out of Kimi at his words. Shay was good at that. He had a way about him that put people at ease. Probably why he was such a good sports instructor.

“And don’t worry, it will be our pleasure to teach you. Don’t ever doubt that a man doesn’t value laying these foundations. To show you so many firsts is both an honor and a responsibility we all take very seriously,” he murmured, his lips whispering against her skin, and his warm breath tickling her senses and making them sing.

“And remember, the power is all yours. You just say the word, and everything stops, no questions asked, no recriminations. That’s a promise.”

“Yes, pet. Words are important,” Colt agreed, watching her carefully. “Are you familiar with the traffic light system of safe words?”

Kimika nodded; her throat dry. Things just got real. “I am,” she concurred, grateful that she’d taken the time to study the lifestyle and the way things worked at Iniquity, in particular, even though she hadn’t summoned the courage to come here before.

“Good girl.” Craig nodded his approval, and the simple words had a profound effect.

Yes, she wanted to be their good girl. She wanted to hear those words on their lips over and again.

Finally the talking was done, and Colt took Kimika’s hand and led her towards the futon, urging her to kneel on the bed.

Kimi complied and looked up at them, appreciating them all the more as they removed their footwear.

Shay pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing the lean musculature of his swimmer’s body, and Colt shrugged out of his very formal jacket and bowtie, before rolling up his shirtsleeves.

Kimi watched as inch by inch of tanned forearm was revealed. What was it that made that so sexy?

Craig just undid the top two buttons on his fly, to make himself more comfortable, revealing a delicious happy train that Kimi had the overwhelming urge to trace, before he joined her on the bed.

“What do you want, Kimi? Tell us,” he murmured, drawing his finger along her collar bone.

“I - I…” She shook her head, not knowing what to say. “I don’t know!” she blurted, her voice ripe with frustration. Why did they have to ask such awkward questions? “I just want…I just want…”

“Come on, baby. You can tell us,” Craig cajoled, giving her shoulder a supportive squeeze.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic