Page 12 of Basic Instinct

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It boggled Kimi’s mind to imagine what the three of them would be like as lovers, all together.

“Sealed with a kiss,” Shay murmured with a lazy smile that made his whisky colored eyes twinkle.

Kimika leaned back, her eyes glazed, and swept her tongue over her swollen lips, certain she could still taste each and every one of them.

Behind her, Colt pressed a kiss to the sensitive area behind her ear and whispered, “Tell us what you want, Kimika.”

Kimi sucked in a jagged breath. “I want… I want… you. All of you,” she finally managed.

Colt’s nose followed the line his lips had just taken. “Here or in private?”

The question forced Kimi to think properly for the first time. God, she hated questions. She never really knew what the right answer was. One of the things that was so appealing about the lifestyle was allowing someone else to take over, to take all of those decisions out of her hands so she didn’t need to worry about them.

But this was an important question, and she knew Colt was only thinking about her own comfort. And truth be told, as much as the swirling reality of the party had receded around her, Kimika understood herself well enough to know that if she withdrew into her head, the number of people around her, the thought of them watching, contemplating, maybe judging, whether warranted or not, would have crawled straight into all her insecurities and taken her out of the scene, ruining her enjoyment with the crippling self-doubt that hijacked her all too often.

“I think I would prefer to be in private,” she replied, biting her lips, already wondering if that would disappoint them.

If it did, they didn’t show it. Instead, they whisked her away, pushing through the crowd with her sheltered between their solid bodies, while they forged their way towards one of the bigger, more luxurious private rooms.

She vaguely noticed that there was a plaque on the door reading ‘reserved’, so maybe they weren’t so bothered about not scening publicly if they were already prepared. Initially, the thought settled her a little more - except… Did this mean they were simply on the prowl? That any willing woman would have sufficed?

Of course it did. This was a bdsm party. It might be dressed up with a Christmas theme and be staff only, but that didn’t change the intent. Kimika wanted to slap herself. This was a scene. A play date. Nothing more.

She needed to stop her overactive imagination from conjuring hearts and flowers and romance - a failing of hers, she knew, despite what had happened with her ex.

It was that basic instinct which had caused her so much trouble in the past, even with Haruto. Kimi was so busy looking for her happy ever after that she got carried away and failed to see the truths that were staring her in the face.

She was determined not to do that this time.

She would respect this interlude for what it was. A brief, sexy experience, pleasurable - hopefully - for all. Something to be enjoyed for the evening, and then forgotten.

Or more likely, treasured, in her particular case. But something to move on from, nevertheless. She wouldn’t make a fool of herself and embarrass them all by expecting more than they were willing to give.

She’d learned that lesson well, after all.

Except the room they brought her to had a distinct Japanese theme. It was dominated by a massive futon, big enough to fit all four of them. Just the sight of it made Kimika’s insides turn molten. There was a Japanese Sakura tree, it wasn’t real of course, the distinctive cherry blossoms were actually tiny lights which twinkled off the surface of the pink, silk flowers, as well as what looked like an antique ishu danshu chest, with all its different sized drawers.

And the far wall had been decorated to look like a shoji screen, complete with a traditional, painted depiction of Mount Fuji.

That surely had to be a coincidence, didn’t it?

Kimika didn’t have the opportunity to overthink any of it, which was probably a good thing, because while Colt stood by the door, checking details on the tablet secured there, which Kimi knew held details of her limit list, amongst other things, Craig and Shay were slowly removing her clothing. Stopping often to stroke each new expanse of skin they exposed and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

Pressing heated nips and kisses to her shoulder, her clavicle, her neck.

Whispering drugging compliments that made her nerves sizzle in anticipation.

And when Colt finally joined them, Kimika was naked, high on anticipation and endorphins, and ready for what, without a doubt, would be the most amazing night of her life.


She should have felt uncomfortable with the fact that she was standing between the three of them, completely nude, while Colt and Shay were both still fully dressed, but somehow the juxtaposition only made things hotter.

Craig’s solid, cut chest was bare, as it had been all evening, and the sight of his defined abs and pectoral muscles made her mouth water.

She wanted to lick him.

“I’ve checked your hard and soft limits, Kimika. Is there anything you’d like to add? Anything that’s changed?”

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic