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If she’s here looking for a night of fun, I’m going to kill anyone who thinks to invite her in as their guest. The only good thing is it’s still early. I can only hope there aren’t a lot of people inside right now.

Doubts start clawing up my throat. Is she looking for someone else? More than one someone? Does she not feel this thing between us? Why else would she be here?

“Killian,” Jude barks out and I realize they’ve been trying to get my attention.

“Yeah,” I croak. I clear my throat and try again. “Sorry, I’m here. I’m going to go in and see what the fuck she thinks she’s doing.”

“We’re on our way. Coyle, swing by and pick me up on the way,” Jude’s voice is stern, and my dick instantly takes notice.

Interesting, but not the time.

“I’m already in the truck,” Coyle grumbles and then hangs up.

“It’s going to be okay, Kill,” Jude’s voice is softer now. “Go in and get our girl. We’ll go up to Room Four if we don’t see you in the lounge.”

I hang up because she’s been inside for too long now and it’s starting to eat at me. I stomp my way through the door and get checked in. When I walk into the lounge, I see a woman talking to Edison off to the side with their heads close together. I can’t tell what they’re talking about, but it doesn’t matter.

When I get a little closer, Edison’s head snaps up and she arches an eyebrow before her eyes sweep down my body and back up. The heat I see there is doing nothing to get my dick under control while the naughty twinkle in my girl’s eyes has me slowing my steps slightly.

I sidle up to her, wrap an arm around her shoulders, and tuck her into my side. The woman who was just chatting with Edison looks up at me and gives a nod.

Her voice is professional, “I take it she’s here with you, Mr. Matthews?”

I give a curt nod. I remember meeting this woman when I came in to set everything up. I’m pretty sure she’s the one who called me when Edison showed up to turn in her invitation, but I can’t remember her name. It’s not important.

“She is.” I look down at Edison to find her almost vibrating with excitement. When I look back at the woman, I inform her, “My brother and Mr. Perez will be here shortly. I’m going to take our girl up to Room Four.”

She shoots a sly look at my girl before flashing me a smile and taking a step away from us. “Of course. Have a pleasant evening.”

I tighten my grip on Edison, unable to spare any more pleasantries, and lead her toward the elevator. The ride is short, and my heart is still pounding by the time we step through the door of Room Four. I take a moment to look around the room, still impressed by the opulent feel, like walking into a teal cloud of luxury. It’s perfect for our girl.

Edison takes a step away from me, it’s a small one, but it’s enough to pull my intense focus to the woman I can’t wait to undress again. I stalk toward her, my cock leaking with every step she takes away from me. So fucking naughty.

I tilt my head to the side and survey her like a predator. “If you want me to give chase, little one, all you need to do is ask. I’d be more than happy to take you to ground. I’d even give you a head start.”

She makes the cutest fucking squeaking sound when her back hits the wall. I don’t stop until I use my forearms to cage her against it. When I run my nose up the frontside of her neck, I love the way she arches back to give me more access to her sweet skin.

“You’ve been a naughty fucking girl,” I grit out before nipping at her neck.

“I’m not naughty,” her voice is sweet, but the curve of her lips tells a whole different story and I’m hard as a rock.

“Don’t lie to me, little one.” She bites her lip as she looks up at me from underneath her lashes, all deliciously demure and meandering sin. I brush her nose with mine before pulling back so I can study her face. “Why are you here at Club Sin?”

“I was inquiring about a membership.” There’s that honeyed voice, again, sounding like the devil on my fucking shoulder, whispering wicked intent and dangerous pleas.

“Were you planning to find someone to go into a room with?” I narrow my eyes at her, needing to know, but hating the question with everything in me. “Were we not enough for you?”

Her hands come up, hot brands against my chest before they slide up and cup my jaw. “Killian,” she whispers, her voice husky and needy. “Do you think I didn’t know you were following me?”

My mouth opens and closes a few times before I hiss, “What?”

As she smirks at me, her hands are like fire against my skin and making it hard to concentrate. She presses her body against mine and I groan at how good it feels. There’s a clarity in her eyes which holds me hostage.

“I know I didn’t react very well to finding out you’ve been watching me, but I had some time to think about it after Coyle helped to stop my mind from spiraling. I realized something,” her last words are a soft caress against the hope blooming in my chest.

I’m fucking panting as I take a step closer, forcing her back against the wall while keeping our bodies aligned. “What did you realize, little one? Put me out of my misery here,” I plead with her.

She smiles, allowing her light to shine down on me. “I realized,” her voice drops to a whisper, “I like it. I like it when you’re watching me and when Jude is watching me. I didn’t like waking up to find out Coyle had left me naked and alone.” She frowns and I kiss right where the cutest little lines form because of it, trying to smooth it away. “It got me thinking about how I had done the same to you and I felt bad about it.”

Tags: Ember Davis Erotic