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I slip through the library with my prey in sight. She has no idea I’m watching her today. We decided to give her 24 more hours before going after her, but I can’t help myself. I would have been here earlier today, but I had to actually do some work in my shop. My crew was curious as to where I’ve been, which isn’t surprising considering they’re nosey as fuck.

To get them off my ass, I shrugged and told them, “I’ve been moving.”

Aiden scoffed and teased me, “Did Coyle finally kick your ass out?”

I flipped him off and barked out a laugh. “He moved with me.”

Even that got Cameron’s attention, but he didn’t ask questions. He just looked at me as if that would break me and get me to spill all my secrets. I’m not going to lie, I was close, but I held back. Until our girl is locked down and she’s not questioning what is happening, I have no intention of talking about it.

Considering how much of a charmer Brooks can be, I’m not going to risk it. He was checking out my girl when she came in for her tattoo and it took all my willpower not to beat the shit out of him then.

Since I wasn’t giving much away, Brooks asked, “Why’d you move?”

“Got an offer we couldn’t refuse.”

That was all I gave them before my client came in and I focused on the task at hand so I could get out of there and get eyes on Edison. It sure as hell isn’t a chore watching her. There’s always a need in me to make sure she’s okay. Even though I’ve held her in my arms while she’s come apart and touched her smooth skin, it’s not enough. I don’t think it ever will be.

She looks cute as fuck today in a sweater dress that hugs her curves and makes me want to chase her down just so I can take a bite out of her ass. It’s the damn boots she has on, though, that are driving me fucking wild. I can imagine what it would feel like to have her leather clad calves wrapped around me while her heels dig into my ass and I’m driving my cock into her sweet cunt.

I shiver at the thought and stare off into space for a moment, imagining just how sexy it would be. I wonder if she’s wearing tights, I bet those would feel good on her legs as they’re wrapped around me too. When I look back up, the door to the library is swinging closed.

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath and pick up the pace to get out of the library.

I do some careful maneuvering around people to follow her and slip into my car without her noticing. When she pulls out, she doesn’t head straight home, and I’m intrigued as to where the hell she’s going. The farther we go, the more suspicion and dread fills me.

I dial Coyle and then Jude, patching the calls together because if I’m right about where her destination is, I’m going to need them. I’m not sure if they’ll give me shit for following her today or not, but I don’t give a fuck.

We said we weren’t going to give her as much space, going with more of a full-court press approach and less of a skulking in the shadows one. What can I say? It seems stalking my little one is my love language.

Jude answers first, “What’s up, Kill?”

Before I can answer him, Coyle picks up, “What are you up to?”

I try and put on my most innocent voice, “Why do you think I’m up to anything? Can’t I call my two partners in crime just for kicks?”

“No,” Coyle grunts and I bark out a laugh.

My laughter is cut off when I’m proven correct about Edison’s destination. “Shit,” I hiss out and I can almost feel how much more attention Jude and Coyle are giving me now.

“You better start fucking talking, Kill,” Jude grits out.

I can picture how sexy he probably looks right now, but I shove the image aside. It was damn good the other night when he fucked all my doubts and fears right out of me. I wouldn’t mind a repeat performance, but now is not the time. Now is the time to rally the troops.

“After I was done with my client today, I went to the library,” I pause because I know they won’t let me just say the next part without interrupting.

“Killian,” Coyle growls in warning, “that’s not the plan.”

“We didn’t really come up with a plan other than we aren’t going to give her more time to run,” I lob back at him.

“Okay,” Jude takes a deep breath. “If you went to the library, why are you calling? She should be heading home now, right?”

“She left the library all right,” my voice takes on a dark edge. “I followed her and you’ll never fucking guess where she went after work.”

“That little taco joint she likes so much,” there’s so much hope in Jude’s voice that I almost hate to smash it under my heel.

“No,” I grunt. “She’s at Club Sin.”

Both men suck in a sharp breath and start muttering curses. I would smile if I weren’t watching my woman walk into Club Sin right now. The membership here is expensive as fuck. I have one and, after being my guests the other night, Jude and Coyle purchased memberships as well. Considering I know where she lives, there’s no way she can afford a membership.

Tags: Ember Davis Erotic