Page 53 of The Whole Package

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She sniffs and I glance at her, watching her wipe a tear off her face, a small smile tugging at my lips. “They just broke up.”

“Who did?” I ask, keeping my voice even, quiet.

“These main characters. It’s ridiculous, if he would just communicate, tell her how he feels, she wouldn’t be feeling insecure and worried and they’d stay together!” Jane’s voice is hoarse from tears and I keep that tug on my lips at bay.

“I’m sure they’ll work it out, baby.” I smudge a bit of her lip, right at the bow and smile.

“Well, probably, it’s a romance. But still.” Her voice turns grumpy and I release a full-blown grin then.

“How’s it coming?” she asks, lowering the book slightly and glancing over at me.

I study the art then, noting it as my favorite piece so far. Could just be the subject. The smooth lines of her legs, the tousled hair, the makeup-less face. “It’s perfect.”

“Can I see?” she asks eagerly.

I nod, waving her over and setting my pencil down. I’d decided pure charcoal was the way to go, and even though it’s a mess, the end result is more than worth it. She ambles over in her graceful way and slides onto my lap, I wipe my hand on the side of my jeans and wrap her in my arms, resting my chin on her shoulder.

“Wow,” she whispers and stares at the canvas.

I’d brought over some of my supplies for times just like this, when inspiration struck, and we had a night where I could just stare at her and work.

“It’s… wow.”

“Like it?” I murmur, a small amount of uncertainty in my voice.

Art was so personal to me, which was probably why I didn’t care to share it often, lest I get pissed at someone for their opinions.

“Warren,” she says reverently. “This doesn’t even look… I mean.” She touches her hand to her lips and turns to me. “Is this how you see me?”

I frown and look from the piece and back to her. “Thatisyou, baby.”

“No, she’s… she’s perfect. She’s beautiful.”

I squeeze her around the waist again and say, “Yes. You are.”

Jane turns in my arms and wraps her arms around my neck, straddling my lap. The stool I’ve been perched on doesn’t leave me a lot of support, but I band my arms around her and hold her to me. She leans forward, pressing her lips to mine.

I let out an involuntary moan and move one hand to the buttons of my shirt that she’s wearing, undoing them one at a time until the entire front is open. I take in her skin and lean forward to suck on her chest, she gasps and digs her hands into my hair.

“Couch,” she says and I lift, taking her with me. Jane lets out a little squeak and says, “Don’t drop me!”

I smirk and grip her ass harder. “Never.”

When I lay her on the couch, I hover over her and take in everything she shows me. She’s fucking gorgeous.

“I’m not as small as you think,” she says, reaching to pull me down but I hesitate.

“I don’t care how big or small you are, I’ve got you,” I repeat. “And you’re perfect to me, Jane. Nothing about you should ever change unless it makes you feel better.”

She scoffs and says, “I wouldn’t mind getting rid of the cellulite.”

I frown and she pinches her thigh, I immediately rub where she’s pinched herself and tell her, “You are perfect to me, Jane. I don’t care about the flaws, the flaws are what make you, you.”

Her eyes soften slightly, and I see that my words made their mark. Her hands pull at my shirt and she slides it over my head, I help with the arms and reach down for my jeans, she reaches inside and her eyes widen in surprise and excitement. “No underwear?”

“Why bother?” I shrug and she chuckles at me. I smile and help her take the pants off of my legs.

Then and only then, with the woman who’s captured all of my attention, my thoughts, my freaking hopes for the future, do I lie over her, gently pressing between her legs until I slip inside of her, thrusting all the way in.

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance