Page 41 of The Beyond

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Scott was quiet for a moment. “Did you know I worked there before you contacted your sister?”

“My sister is the reason you work there,” Lucas said, confirming Scott’s new suspicions.

It was obvious now. In the last year, he’d been offered a high-paying job with the firm. He had quickly left his old job with a smaller firm without so much as a glance back.

Thanks to the position, he’d been able to get his apartment and even his car.

“How long have you known about me? Before you contacted me last week?” Selene asked.

Scott glanced over at her, and he could see the hurt in her eyes.

Lucas seemed to soften. “For years.”

“Why did you wait until now to contact me? Have you even talked to Tara?” Selene crossed her arms over her chest.

“No,” he answered. “I waited until the time was right. I haven’t reached out to Tara. Yet. When this is all over, I hope we can… become close.”

Selene suddenly stood up and headed towards the stairs. He moved to follow her, but Lucas put a hand on his shoulder. “No, this is for me.” He followed Selene down the stairs.

“He’s not wrong you know,” Mia said once they were alone.

“About?” he asked.

“If he had contacted her before now, the timeline would be off. The chances of us beating what is coming would have narrowed.” She turned towards him. “This was our only path. Our one shot.”


Selene needed some time alone. The anger about the missed years she could have known she had family out there boiled so deep inside her that, the moment her feet touched the soft grass, she shot up into the air, not giving a damn who might see her. What could her life had been like if Lucas had reached out to her years ago? Would she and Scott have suffered as much as they had growing up?

Lucas’ family, the one that had taken him in, had money. She and Scott had none growing up. They had nothing. Only each other.

Would they have grown as close as they had if Lucas had come into her life before? In her heart, she knew the answer and released most of the frustration and hurt.

She had needed the cold air on her face, the clouds beneath her, to think clearly and release the anger from her heart. She had just started relaxing when a voice from behind her had her screaming.

“Sorry,” Lucas apologized.

The fact that her brother was flying beside her had her anger growing.

“Why didn’t you tell us you could fly?” she barked out as she hovered in mid-air.

“Again, no one asked.” He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. On the ground, it would have looked intimidating, but with the ground more than a mile below them, it was almost comical. “What?” He frowned at her.

She couldn’t help it. At that moment, she burst out laughing. Uncontrollably. She even hugged her sides as her laughter echoed in the clouds.

What felt like ten minutes later, she finally settled down. Her sides hurt and there were tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Feel better?” Lucas asked with a grin on his face.

“You can smile.” She pointed to his face.

“I can do a lot of things. Which I would have gladly told anyone who asked,” he retorted.

“Okay, I’m asking now. What else can you do?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

He glanced around. The clouds had cleared a little, so that they could clearly see they were alone and far too high for anyone to see them.

He lifted his hand, and a fireball shot from his fingertips and sailed across the sky, fizzling out about a hundred yards from them.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal