Page 40 of The Beyond

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“Hellhound,” Lucas corrected.

“Not going to call it that,” Scott said with a shake of his head.

He thought he saw Lucas’ lips curve slightly into a smile.

“Yes,” he answered.

“When did you turn the first time? How did you know you could?” Scott asked.

“I was five,” Lucas answered with a frown. “I didn’t know I could until I had.”

Scott figured there was more to the story but shrugged and waved his hands. “Okay, walk me through it.”

For the next hour, he listened to Selene’s brother explain how to change. What his mind needed to be focused on, how his body should feel when it started to change, and most importantly, how to breathe through it all.

Nothing seemed to work, and Lucas grew annoyed at him.

Finally, Mia interrupted them and suggested they break for lunch.

He was thankful and spent his entire lunch break talking quietly with Selene on the back deck while Mia disappeared into her room and Lucas went off somewhere on his own to make a few phone calls.

“What is it that your brother does for a living?” he asked Selene.

“You know, I don’t know.” She chuckled. “He must make a lot of money. His clothes are expensive, and did you see the car in the driveway?” She shook her head. “Way out of our price range.”

“What do you know about him?” he asked, suddenly worried. It was obvious by the man’s appearance and abilities that he was Selene’s brother. The two of them looked more alike than Tara and Selene did. Still, he could see some resemblance between the sisters.

“He lives in New York. Was adopted, but I’m not sure how old he was when he was finally taken in.” Selene frowned. “That’s about it.”

Just then Mia stepped out on the deck with an iced tea in her hand.

“I can tell you more about him,” Mia said, sitting down across from them.

“You can?” Selene frowned. “How do you know?”

Mia sighed and then shifted until her legs were tucked underneath her. She set the glass down and closed her eyes.

“He’s the oldest of the three of you,” she began. “He has an apartment in New York and goes there often for business but lives in upstate New York. He works for…”—she frowned—“his father’s company. I… can’t see what…”

“What are you doing?” Lucas’ voice broke in, causing the three of them to jump slightly.

“We were curious about you,” Selene said, unapologetic. “Since you seem determined not to tell us more, Mia was helping us out.” She waved her hand towards Mia, who was sipping her tea and avoiding looking at Lucas.

“You could have asked,” Lucas said, sitting down. His eyes bore into Mia’s.

“Would you have answered?” Selene asked.

Lucas turned to her. “No,” he said firmly.

“I thought not. Which is why I was allowing Mia to fill us in,” Selene said with a nod of her head.

“We have to know we can trust you,” Scott added.

Lucas turned his gaze towards him. “You work for Forge International.”

Scott tensed. “Yes, how do— ”

“My family owns the company,” Lucas said. “I’m the CEO.”

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal