Page 19 of The Beyond

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He’d never seen her in a trance like this. He’d seen a few people react this way when she touched them, but never her.

He shook her, called out her name, did anything he could to break her of the spell. Finally, he carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed.

Her body was stiff, as if she was frozen in place.

He waited, checked the time, thought about calling the group from last night. But he didn’t even know if Selene had their numbers in her phone. Hell, he didn’t even have his phone.

Then he decided to do what he could. He started videotaping her. Stood over her while she was… somewhere else. He didn’t know why it was important to video her, but something told him that she would want to know what had happened to her while she’d been… away.

She had talked to him about the place she called the Beyond. He’d watched her disappear and reappear many times over the years. She had even tried to bring him along with her when she disappeared. Each time, he’d end up standing alone.

Disappearing into a different realm was just one of her powers, along with flying, being extremely strong, never getting hurt or sick, and that thing that happened when anyone else touched her. Everyone, except him.

Almost half an hour later, Selene’s eyes fluttered and closed before opening again. When she realized he was sitting beside her, her phone aimed at her, she sat up.

“I just met my brother,” she said, leaning back on the pillows.

“Great,” he said, shutting off the camera. “You have a sister and a brother now?”

“Apparently.” She shifted her knees up and hugged them.

“Is that why you went all…” he motioned to her eyes.

She frowned. “I went… what did it look like?”

Instead of answering, he pulled up the video and showed her. She frowned as she watched the few minutes that he had recorded. “That’s just… strange.” She said, shaking her head and handing him back the phone.

“What did he want? Why wasn’t he a part of what happened last night?” he asked.

She glanced towards the window as thunder sounded. “Why don’t we pack up and get on our way? We can grab some food on the road, and I’ll tell you everything.”

“Sure.” He leaned in and kissed her, needing this slight touch. She’d scared him. If she had been with anyone else, she would have ended up in the hospital. He poured all of his fears into the kiss, and when she pulled him down on top of her, he willingly went.

How long had he denied his feelings for her? Since he’d first seen her. There was something to the idea that everyone’d had last night. They were connected. The more he touched her, the more he felt it growing.

This time, when he slid into her, he knew there was no doubt his life in Atlanta was over. He couldn’t let her go again. It would break him.

They stopped by the donut shop and grabbed a couple of coffees and kolaches and ate as she drove them out of town.

He waited until she was done eating to ask her to start on the story.

“His name is Helios,” she said, glancing at him. “But he says that he goes by Lucas.” She shrugged.

“Okay,” he said slowly. “Wait.” He reached over and grabbed her phone. “Like, seriously? You are all a part of Greek mythology. All of you. Even Tara.” He frowned down at the screen. He read as much as he could quickly. “Okay, they got some things right, but a lot wrong. You’ve never been Zeus’ lover, have you?” He glanced over at her.

She laughed. “I’ve only had one lover.” Her smile slipped. “Unless you’re Zeus.” She shook her head. “No.”

He smiled. “If I was a god”—he reached over and took her hand while she steered with the other— “I would have definitely saved you from that mess myself.”

“Right. My parents didn’t seem too interested in you and Colt, other than the fact that we were fated.”

He set her phone down. “So what did your brother want?”

“To talk. He was, much like me, unaware of us until last night.”

“Does that mean he’s going to visit Tara too?”

“No.” Selene shook her head. “I asked him not to. Yet. Besides, he told me I’m the one he needs.” She was frowning.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal