Page 18 of The Beyond

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She sat back down and then reached and tossed him her bra. “If you have to wear something.” She smiled as he laughed.

She wasn’t self-conscious of her body. Even though this was basically the second time anyone other than her was seeing it, she knew what she had and knew he liked it.

She filled him in on everyone she’d met in Hidden Creek—what their powers were and, most importantly, that they had been the ones to save the world over a year ago when she’d seen the moon fall.

She told him about Xtina. About Jess being a witch. Everything. As she talked, her tone was filled with excitement.

Scott was smiling back at her when she finished the story.

“What?” she asked when he just gave her a look.

“You finally found your people,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

She tensed and thought about what he was saying. Yes, for the first time in her life, she felt like she could connect to a group of people. But there was something deeper to this. The only person she truly felt a connection to was him.

“You are my people,” she said as she rested her head against his shoulder and relaxed. “Did you really take the week off?”

“Yes,” he said, running his fingers gently over her shoulder. “What happens now? Are you really going to move here?”

She thought about the shit apartment and job she had back in Tennessee.

“Yes,” she said eagerly. “There’s nothing really for me outside of this. Besides, I’d kind of like to see where this all goes.”

He was quiet for a while and then surprised her by saying, “Then how about we head up to Tennessee tomorrow? I’ll help out for the week.”

She glanced up at him. “Really?”

He smiled and leaned his head down to kiss her. “Yeah. Now, let’s get some rest. We’ll have to stop off at my place and get my stuff. Wallet, phone, and some clothes.” He pulled her back down. “Then I’ll help you move.”

Falling asleep in Scott’s arms wasn’t anything new to her. But waking up, naked, her body plastered to his was. As was the heated desire for a repeat of last night. But first, she had to use the bathroom. She rolled slowly out of bed, grabbed her T-shirt and a clean pair of underwear, and tiptoed into the bathroom. She shut the door quietly behind her.

After using the toilet, she washed her hands and face and stared at herself in the mirror. Did she look any different?

After yesterday, all of her fears about the end were gone. They had survived the end of the world, and no one had gotten hurt. No one had died. No one…

She heard a deep chuckle and froze. Her reflection in the mirror disappeared. Darkness replaced it. Then slowly, a pair of yellow glowing eyes appeared. They were moving closer to her from the deep.

Her first thought was that her father, Typhon, was back. The man often appeared to her in a giant snake form. But then she realized the yellow eyes weren’t slits like on a snake. Instead, they were attached to a man. An extremely handsome man. His jet-black hair was long and slicked back. His square chin had a light dusting of stubble. He was tall, but nothing like the giant her father appeared to be when he was in his human form.

This man was dressed in a very expensive suit, much like the ones that Scott wore.

When she looked down at herself, she realized she was no longer in the hotel bathroom. No longer in her Kiss T-shirt and underwear. Instead, she stood in the darkness in a long flowing dress. Her hair lay over her shoulders in long perfect ringlets.

It made her wonder if his suit was a trick as well. She knew that when she traveled to the Beyond, she could imagine whatever she wanted to wear. She could even conjure weapons if she needed them.

He tilted his head slightly, as if assessing her as much as she was gauging him. Then he smiled at her with perfectly white teeth, and she could see a glimmer of what lay beneath the man.

“We finally meet,” he said in a deep voice. “Hello, sister.”


Scott rolled over and when he felt the empty cold spot where Selene should be, he sat up.

“Selene?” he called out. He pulled on his pants and made his way to the bathroom. He knocked first, but when she didn’t respond, he opened the door.

She stood in front of the mirror in a T-shirt and underwear. At first, he thought everything was okay, but then he noticed that her eyes were completely white.

He rushed to her, taking her up in his arms and calling her name over and over.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal