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At least there’s something—which is doing nothing to settle my nerves.

I’m freaking petrified. It’s my word against hers.

But Ben is adamant everything is just protocol and there is no way anyone would take her side instead of mine. They had enough evidence, not to mention the body count my father had left in his crusade to get to me to make a case.

I’m not in any documentation either. My father made sure I am as well protected as Penelope is.


I focus on Ben and his ramblings, letting him repeat what he said, for his benefit and mine.

“Everything that was in the cabin is being transported here. It should take about a week at least, given we’re doing everything by land.” He hands the rest of the folders to Noah who dumps them on the bedside table he’s been using as his desk.

Ben shoves his hands in his pockets, giving me a small smile.

“We have agents posted everywhere. In this hospital and more at the safe house where Mina and I are with your son.”

He nods his head towards the door. “We should be here bright and early tomorrow. So you should both get some rest. Every person who we found to be linked to your father is currently locked up as we speak. This will be over soon, Ria.”

He offers his fist to Noah who bumps it with his before he turns another smile my way.

“I’m going to head out so I can grab some dinner for Mina. We’ll see you both tomorrow.”

With a wave of his hand, he’s out the door, eager to get back to Mina and Adrian.

Once we get out of here, I need to figure out a way to help those two find their way to each other. I owed them my life and more. They protected my family, and now they’re taking care of our son so Noah can be here with me.

I’m dragged out of my thoughts when a warm hand covers mine.

Noah’s looking at me with concern, his fingers tracing my ringless finger, and I know it’s on the tip of his tongue to ask me where we stand.

I did just jump in front of a bullet… bullets for him.

But I can’t even begin to wrap my head around any of that and thankfully he doesn’t push it.

He simply slides into bed, gathering me in his arms. He’s careful not to jostle my injuries. My head burrows in his chest and I can feel every slam of his heart.

My hand slides up his chest, resting above his heart, hoping I can tame the wild beast clamoring to get out. I stroke my thumb against the part of him that belongs to me, trying my best to articulate with my actions just how much I love him.

Noah’s hands grasp the back of my neck, his fingers tangling in my hair. He gives it a gentle tug until my chin tilts up.

I meet his troubled eyes that are brimming with a mixture of caution, hope, fear and love.

He kisses the tip of my nose, nuzzling it.

“I thought I lost you,” he repeats.

“I thought I lost you,” I echo back.

A soft smile tips the corners of his mouth but his eyes remain troubled.

“I’m sorry about your father.”

I sigh, leaning back enough so I can look at him fully.

“Honestly? I’m not.” I shake my head. “I mean, I am sorry for all the horrible, cruel things he did because of me and what my relation to him has cost you but I’m not sorry he’s dead.”

My breath hitches as my words struggle to catch up with my thoughts. “I’m sorry that he’s not around anymore so he can pay for his crimes, but I’m not sorry he’s gone.” Then I frown, realizing what I just said. “Does that make me a bad person?”

Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance