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I raise an eyebrow, steeling him with a look. “I don’t know. Ask Gabe.”

He looks away and mutters a curse.


He looks back at me with such intensity in his eyes I have to swallow the meteoric lump lodged in my throat. I’m suddenly so damn thirsty.

I forget how handsome he is—how breathtaking it is to simply be in his presence.

He is so hot when he gets that determined glint in his eye.

I mentally shake myself against the conflict of emotions battling inside of me right now as

I do my best to school my face into a mask of indifference.

“Noah.” I try again, with more conviction this time. “When are we getting out of here?”

“I’m working on it. Trust me.”

I scoff, unable to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

Then the words come tumbling out.

“Trust, Noah? Trust who? Trust you? Are you seriously asking me that? I don’t even know what the hell is going on.” I lift my hands up in exasperation, unable to hold it in any longer. “I’ve been stuck here for over a year. This whole time thinking you put me here and trying to trust in that,inyou, only to find out you had no clue I was even here. Your boss and best friend put me here without you knowing. All that training for what? All those months you would leave me for what? For them to easily kidnap me and force me in isolation? For what?And am I supposed to believe you suddenly finding me after all this time was coincidence? That you really had no idea I was pregnant or that you have a son?”

His eyes dance around me as my arms flail around, trying to get my points across.

All my repressed anger comes flooding out and I am powerless to stop it.

“And then you show up out of the blue, come in here and have the audacity to call me your wife? To stake some claim on me like we were never even apart? Do you have any idea what I’ve had to go through? Being alone. Pregnant and alone. A mother and alone. Not knowing when I would even be able to see past these walls? I don’t even have a clue where I am--what state or city or even why I’m here in the first place. Anything and everything they’ve ever said to me alluded to you knowing what was best for me and for Adrian. So excuse me if I can’t trust you, now or ever.”

I shut my eyes, blowing out puffs of air, trying to calm the storm raging inside me.

I am so pissed.

For me. For Adrian.

For Noah but also at Noah.

At Gabe.

At the whole damn world.

Noah is silent but I feel him seething. He’s not the only one who can read the other’s mind.

We were together for five years, married for two of those. Three, if I count this last year we spent apart.

I can tell when he’s angry, sad, hungry or horny.

And right now, he’s pissed.

I let my eyelids flutter open.

He’s staring at a sleeping Adrian. I see him swallow once, twice, three times.

His hands are gripping his knees, trembling with all the anger in the world.

His jaw tightens with determination as he turns back to me.

Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance