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“I like you too. I don’t know how and I don’t know when it happened but I do.”

I nod, but I remain silent, sensing she needs to get more off her chest.

“This isn’t me. You have to realize that. I don’t sleep with men I just met. I don’t even date. Yet I’m sitting here in your shirt, and I fell asleep in your arms. It’s all too much, too soon.”

She starts to shake with emotion as her tears continue to fall. I can almost taste her fear.

The emotions playing out in her face are akin to mine. Familiar.

She’s scared of how good it feels between us.

Scared she’s not good enough.

I hold my palms out, and she places her hands in mine.

“Are you leaving?”

I nod. I am. I was.

All I know is I can’t leave here without her.

“So are you.”

“You have a plan.”

Again, I nod.

I told her about the Academy last night.

"What are you really scared of Ria?"

Her lids lower. "You have plans,Noah. Plans that don’t include me. Yes, we’re both leaving this place but unlike you, I don't have a plan. I don't know where I'm going or even what I’m doing with my life. You have your whole life mapped out."

"Pretty sure my plans also included you."

Her brows meet in uncertainty.

I uttered those words to her earlier but this time I mean them in a different way.

"Ria. Doesn't it feel like we were always supposed to be in each other's plans?"

She opens her mouth and I place a finger on her lips.

"How else do you explain this pull between us? The fact that we met each other like this. That of all the coffee shops in Seattle, I stumbled upon one you worked at? Or that we’re both leaving this place?"

"I don't know."

"I do. There's something here, Ria."

"What are you saying? That I should leave here with you? We've barely known each other for a day. We can't just move across the country and live together."

"That’s not what I’m saying."

"Then what?"

"If you want to live in D.C., Virginia is not that far away. I'll drive to you. Every free moment I have will be yours. Do you think I'm like this with just anyone? I prefer to be alone. I like my solitude. I've never even been in a relationship. But with you, I’m willing to give it everything I've got. You make me want things I never thought I deserved. Give us a chance, Ria."

She takes in my words and I revel once again in the emotions playing on her face.

Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance