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“Maybe we shouldn’t sing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’” Jazzy said to Charlie. “Something simpler perhaps?”

“But we’re so good at Queen. And changing songs midstream could throw off our rhythm.”

“If you’re new to our friendly Friday night competition, it’s not too late to enter.” Nan pointed to the whiteboard mounted near the bar. “You have ten minutes before we close the sign-up.”

A few customers went to write their names on the whiteboard.

Jazzy’s and Charlie’s names were first on the list. Danny and Andi were fifth. The pair had chosen a number from the musical,Grease. “You’re the One That I Want.”

Nauseated, Jazzy pushed the half-empty martini glass away.

Nan explained the rules for the uninitiated, then waved in their direction. “Jazzy and Charlie, you’re up first.”

Jazzy blew out her breath.

“You wanna back out?” Charlie asked.

“No way. Let’s bring down the house.”

Charlie put out his hand, and she slapped her palm into his. They climbed onstage as the TV mounted over the bar switched to the karaoke screen. A photograph of Queen and the “Bohemian Rhapsody” logo appeared as Nan cued up the song.

Charlie and Jazzy picked up their microphones.

They’d sung this karaoke number so many times that Jazzy could sing it with her eyes closed, but tonight, she wanted to show up Andi and Danny. She would give this performance one hundred and ten percent.

Or rather, Petty Jazzy would. She was itching to compete.

Charlie started off the song, singing the intro solo. Jazzy joined in on the chorus. After that,they went back and forth, alternating between the two of them and miming Freddie Mercury’s movements.

The audience egged them on, applauding and cheering and stomping their feet. She and Charlie sang their hearts out. Six minutes later, they were perspiring and breathless and awaiting their scores.

The judges awarded them 9.6.

“That’s our best score ever.” Charlie lifted his hand for a high five. “We’ve got this in the bag, babe.”

Jazzy slapped his palm and peeked over at Andi and Danny.

Danny smiled and gave her a thumbs-up.

Jazzy’s heart fluttered.

Andi scowled and whispered something in Danny’s ear. His smile faded.

The second pair of contestants took the stage and sang “Proud Mary.”

“No competition there,” Charlie muttered.

Jazzy shot another glance across the bar. Danny and Andi were smooching. Jazzy’s cheeks burned.

“Stop staring at them. Concentrate on what song we’re going to sing for the final round. More Queen?”

“Sure. We’re on a roll.”

“Which song? ‘We Will Rock You’ or ‘We Are the Champions’?”

“How about ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’?”

Charlie cleared his throat. “You’re playing with fire.”

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance