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She angled a glance at the couple. Andi was showing off her engagement ring to an adoring entourage. Once upon a time, Jazzy had been part of Andi’s coterie. Danny sat next to his fiancée, perusing the karaoke menu.

A stab of jealousy went through her, sharp as a new knife. She didn’t like this feeling. Not one bit. By nature, Jazzy was built to choose joy. She brought smiles to faces and positive vibes to the world and that was her essence. But whenever she saw Andi and Danny together, her honorable intentions took a hike and Petty Jazzy reared her tacky head.

“Whoa,” Charlie said. “What’s with the rictus grin?”

“They’re entering the karaoke contest,” Jazzy said.

“We’ll beat them. Danny can’t carry a tune in a titanium bucket.”

“No. But Andi’s got an amazing voice. Her pipes will cancel out his.”

“You have a great singing voice too, Lambchop.”

She met his gaze. “Not as good as yours. We’re gonna smoke ’em like a beehive.”

Charlie leaned away from her. “You’re scary when you get competitive.”

“Hey, we were here first.”

“I agree. The witch stole your boyfriend, and she deserves no sympathy, but they do have a right to be here. We can just go—”

Nowhe wanted to leave? She pounded her fist on the table. “No! We’re winning this damn contest.”

Charlie’s eyes widened. “Wait... is Petty Jazzy in the house?”

“Maybe,” she mumbled.

“Hello, Petty Jazzy. Haven’t seen you in a while. Welcome.”

She stuck out her tongue at Charlie.

“Oh, P.J., I’ve missed you.” Her friend winked. “You add spark to any contest.”

“I don’t enjoy being this way,” Jazzy grumbled.

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Nothing new to say.”

It had been twenty months since Danny had chosen Andi over her. She should be well over him. And, she was. In her heart of hearts, she knew they weren’t a good match. In retrospect, their breakup was inevitable.

But dang. Did he have to ask Andi to marryhim? The one woman who always bested Jazzy in everything?

“You know why you never win to her, right?” Charlie read her mind.

“You have insight?”

“You’re not cutthroat enough. Whenever the finish line is in sight and you are about to win, Andi pulls the victim card, and your tenderheartedness won’t allow Petty Jazzy to plow her over.”

“You think?”

“Just my opinion.”

Jazzy mulled over his input as she watched the excited group gathered around Andi, oohing and aahing over her ring. Andi had announced her engagement to Danny two weeks ago on the Pediatric Ward where both she and Andi worked. Danny was an EMT at Twilight General as well. The next day, Jazzy had applied to Traveling Nurses, to pursue her long-held dream of seeing the world. She couldn’t stick around and watch her former love marry her frenemy.

“Hello!” The contest emcee, Nan Highsmith, was a retired nurse who now owned the bar. She was barely five feet tall and loved neon colors. Tonight, Nan wore a lime green tunic over fluorescent orange leggings and bespoke cowgirl boots. “Y’all folks ready to get your karaoke on?”

The audience cheered and clapped.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance