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“Why don’t you ask him if he wants more than a casual thing?”

“Because I’m afraid he’ll say no.”

“Isn’t it better to know the truth so you can move on rather than live in limbo?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

“Jazzy.” Roan’s voice pulled her attention to the doorway. His troubled eyes and worried expression tugged at her.

“Hey, Roan,” she said, surprised by how much relief flooded her body. He had come. Hedidcare. While she was mad at Charlie for calling, she was so glad he had.

Roan walked into the room and with each step closer to her, Jazzy’s pulse thumped harder.

“I’ve got another patient to check on,” Charlie said, bouncing to his feet and scurrying out the back door that led to the employees’ corridor.

Leaving her alone with Roan.Boom, boom, boom.The pounding in her ears was so loud she could scarcely hear.

Roan took the stool Charlie vacated. His gaze latching on to her bandaged arm. “Is it painful?”

“Not much right now. Charlie gave me a painkiller.”

“I hate that you got burned,” Roan said. “I blame myself.”

“Why? It’s not your fault.”

“I shouldn’t have stopped your lessons.”

“You can’t hold my hand forever. I’ll have to do it myself at the cook-off anyway.”

“You weren’t ready to go it alone. I didn’t teach you enough fire safety.”

“I’m not your responsibility, Roan.”

“Jazzy.” He met her gaze head-on. “I’m so sorry.”

“For what?”

“Freaking out the other night when Mom brought Trinity home. Standing you up... acting like a jerk.”

“Totally understandable. I get it.” She wasn’t about to let him know how hurt she’d been when he discontinued her lessons.

“When you hightailed it out the window before we even had a chance to talk, I... well... I got my feelings hurt and to protect myself, I shut down.” He hesitated. “Shut you out.”

“I shouldn’t have climbed out the window. That was childish of me.”

“Mom was confused when she came back outside to find your car gone.”

Jazzy picked up the pillow off the gurney, covered her face to hide her shame and mumbled, “I’ll never be able to look her in the eyes again.”

“Don’t feel embarrassed. Mom likes you.”

Jazzy lowered the pillow, peeked at him. “She does?”

“Very much.”


“So do I.”

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance