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“Jazzy’s not going to visit anymore.”


Roan shrugged. “She’s got other kids to take care of.”

“She doesn’t like me?”

Dammit! Kids always blamed themselves. “Jazzy adores you.”

Trinity’s little lip trembled. “Then why won’t she come see me?”

Look what you started.

Roan glanced over at Rio who held out the recycle box for Roan to put the paper he’d wadded up in his hand.

“Yeah, Daddy,” Rio mouthed silently. “Why won’t she?”

Roan felt awful, but what would giving in do? Sooner or later he and Jazzy would break up. Better to end it now before they all truly fell in love with her.

“Hey,” Roan asked Trinity. “Who wants to go outside and look for reindeer tracks?”

While Roan was opening packages with his family, Jazzy and Charlie were at the Twilight Playhouse, dressed in their holiday best as they waited in line for drinks during intermission. After the performance, they were headed over to her family’s Christmas Eve party.

“Let me get this straight,” Charlie said. “Andi, as inourAndi Browning, told you she was sorry for sleeping with Danny?”

“She did.”

“I never thought this day would come. Wow, maybe there are such things as Christmas miracles.”

“Andi’s had a far tougher life than I’ve realized,” Jazzy said. “I think she’s ready to change.”

Charlie raised his eyebrows and pulled his mouth over to one side. “That remains to be seen.”

“I’m pulling for her.”

“Of course, you are, Jasmine. It’s your nature.”

“Not always. I can’t say I’ve never been a jerk.”

“Sooo...” Charlie looked at her pointedly. “Do you want to talk about the elephant in the lobby?”

“I do not.”

“Gotcha.” He patted her shoulder. “Just know you can cry here anytime, Lambchop.”

“I appreciate you so much.”

Charlie ordered their drinks, something called a Snowball, and they slipped to the staircase out of the way from the crowd.

“Roan’s right,” Jazzy said.

“Oh,” Charlie said. “There’s the elephant. Well, hello. Care to elaborate.”

“Three weeks wasn’t nearly long enough to know if you truly loved someone. Infatuation, yes. Lust, yes. Real love takes time.”

“You sound like a diamond commercial.”

“Maybe that’s what Roan’s trying to teach me. That we just need more time before moving forward.”

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance