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“What do you need?” Tony asks, narrowing his eyes on me, knowing damn well that whatever I’m about to say couldn’t be good. After all, the guy has known me since I was born and he knows better than anyone that I don’t exactly do things the ‘right’ way.

I consider him a moment. This is it. If I fuck this up or pitch it badly, I’ll be shooting myself in the foot and he’ll make sure I don’t do it. If I can pitch it just right…well, that will change it all.

“Hypothetically…” I start, throwing in the towel and deciding to get it over and done with. Besides, if I want to have any chance at winning back my girl, then I need to prove to not only her but to myself that I have what it takes to be the man she’s always hoped for and deserved. “Say I wanted to build an empire-”

Tony cuts me off, knowing I don’t mean being the CEO of some rich company. “What kind of empire?”

“Extreme motorsports,” I tell him. “Specifically racing.”

He raises a brow and leans back in his chair as he studies me. “Drag racing?”

“Any kind of fucking racing you can think of.”

Tony shakes his head while thinking over my proposal. “This is a risky move,” he warns me. “You’ve got the cash and the land to make it happen.”


“Your parents’ property. They signed the deed over to you on your eighteenth birthday. They figured they’re never there to use it, so they may as well give it to you.”

I stare at Tony in shock. “The fuck?”

His eyes bulge. “Shit. You didn’t know? Fuck. Don’t tell your father, he’ll fucking kill me if that was supposed to be kept quiet. Maybe they’re wanting to surprise you with it. All I know is that I did the paperwork for them months ago.”

Well, fuck me. That’s kind of fucking awesome, but so typical of my parents. They’re the kind to fuck around with my life and tell me about it years down the track. They probably signed the paperwork and forgot all about it or assumed the other had informed me. Mom’s always at resorts and day spas while dad likes to stay in the city and work like a fucking maniac.

I put the thought to the back of my head. It’s something I’ll have to come back to later, as for now, I need to know if this is possible. “Land and cash aside, I don’t want this to be a waste of my time. I can’t have cops raiding my place and shutting it down a year later. As I said, I want to build an empire.”

“What are you thinking?” Tony questions, tilting his head as he waits for an answer.

“Fucking sold-out grandstands, entry fees, hotdog stands, and televised events.”


“Go big or go home, right?” I grin, pausing a beat. “There’s just one thing…”

A smirk crossed Tony’s lips. “Let me fucking guess. You want to start tomorrow.”

“You fucking bet, I do.”

He nods, understanding that means that the second I have a solid track, I’ll be racing on it and any and all permits and approvals will have to wait. I’m not here to fuck around and I meant it when I said that I was hoping for televised events. I want to make this the best fucking thing that ever happened to Broken Hill.

“Alright,” Tony says. “I’m on board, but my name stays out of this, especially if you intend on using this for…’recreational’ use prior to this thing going public.”

“You got my word,” I promise him, unable to believe my luck that he came on board and is going to make this happen.

“Alright,” he finally says, leaning forward and grabbing a pen and paper. “Here’s what you need to do to make this shit legit…”

Chapter 9


I pull up outside Lukas’ place and grin up at his home. It’s been a shitty few weeks where my friends are concerned, but I’m glad I’ve got Lukas.

Everything is falling apart. Things have been awful with Tora to the point where the only words I’ve said to her over the past few weeks have been spiteful and mean. She hates me. I can feel it. Though, it certainly didn’t help when I accused Nate of jumping Lukas last week.

Lukas apparently has a bit of a past where it comes to women and a jealous boyfriend thought he was fooling around with his girl and decided to settle the score with his fists, despite Lukas’s innocence.

I was a fool to jump in and accuse Nate of being the culprit. I know him better than that, but I couldn’t help myself. Especially after I caught Tora draping herself all over Lukas last week. I still don’t know what’s up with that. She has Nate and would never cheat on him so the only explanation was that she was trying to make her lie about Lukas hitting on her somewhat truthful.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance