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Yeah, right. Over my dead fucking body.

He gasps in surprise as I fly through his door. “Surprise, mother fucker.”

Recognition hits instantly and as I close the gap and raise my fist, it’s clear that he knows exactly why I’m here. My fist slams into his jaw and he flies back with the force, sending him sprawling onto the floor like a sack of shit, no time for explanations.

Fuck, that felt good.

I nail him again, not daring to stop until I’m certain that this fucker has learned his lesson.

Fifteen minutes later, I pull back into the races with bruised and bloodied knuckles while desperately in need of a hard drink, Though one thing is for sure, I feel a shitload better than I did when I left this place.

When I make my way back over to my group, I glance up at the track to see Nate and Jackson only seconds from taking off and finally settling the old score.


I sit down in Tony’s office. He’s been a financial planner and business manager to my father since before I was born and if I want to make something of myself, then this is the guy I need to be speaking to.

It’s been a crazy week in Broken Hill but the highlight was watching the cops pour into the races and close it down. It’s not great for the boys as they’ve got nowhere to race, but the second I heard some chick asking ‘Where the hell are we going to go now?’ It all became so fucking clear to me.

I’ve finally figured out what I want to do with myself and for this to work, I’m going to need some help and a shitload of guidance. Hell, I don’t even know if this is legal. Actually, I’m pretty damn sure it’s not, but if there’s someone here who can tell me how to make this legit, then it’s this guy right here.

I look up at the guy who is all sorts of fucked up. I’ve known him forever and after the years, I’ve come to realize that while he’s incredible at what he does, he’s also not shy of working the system. If you need money gone, Tony is the guy to go to.

He’s a red-blooded man and what man doesn’t love a challenge? Tony is no exception to that rule but is he going to be on board with this fucked up idea or am I taking it way too far? If I step even one foot wrong here, I could end up in a lot of shit. My father is high up in the business world and having me publicly screw up would not go down well with him, so I need to be careful, more now than ever before.

I consider my options. I know if anyone can help me with this, it’s Tony, but the question is – can I trust him? Is he going to take my idea and shut it down or tell me a million reasons why I shouldn’t be taking such a risk? Maybe he’s going to grin and tell me to fuck all my doubts and help me to make this happen. Let’s face it, when it comes to business, I’ve got no fucking clue, but I want to. I want to know it all.

A few nights ago, we were at the races. It was a fucking epic night with Jackson and Nate finally facing off and settling the old score. There must have been hundreds of kids there and not a single one of us were expecting the place to be raided by cops. They poured in from everywhere and kids went fucking nuts.

Nate and Jackson kept going until they’d finished their race while the rest of us got our asses out of there. It was a fucking thrill. I hate that Brooke wasn’t there. She would have loved that kind of wicked adrenaline, but instead, she was probably somewhere screwing her new, douchebag boyfriend.

As for the rest of us, we ran. We ran until we couldn’t fucking run anymore. Jesse grabbed Kaylah, Puck threw Court over his shoulder and Tyson did who the fuck knows, but me, all I remember as I ran to my car was passing some random chick complaining about it ‘being the end of the races.’

Her comment struck a chord with me and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head ever since. What the hell are the kids going to do now? It’s a place for us to come together. It a place where we make memories and have the time of our lives while we kick back and watch the kings of our schools absolutely dominate. And all of a sudden, it’s ripped away, leaving us without our vices.

I have to do something about this. Future generations need to experience this. One day, I want to find my kid sneaking out through his bedroom window, rolling his car down the hill and kicking it over at the bottom to not wake me just so he can go to the races. But that shit won’t happen now, not unless I do something about it.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance