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“Haven’t you heard?” Tora grumbles. “I don’t approve of her new boyfriend.”

Well, fuck. That’s interesting.

“Ahhhhh. Suddenly it all makes sense,” Courtney says, amused with the situation. “You’re in shit. Remember when I kissed that guy she was crushing on in our sophomore year? She didn’t talk to me for like, two months, but I mean, how the hell was I supposed to know she liked the guy? She never told me.”

“I know. That’s Brooke for you.”

I narrow my eyes, feeling protective of my girl as they talk about her behind her back, yet unable to put this shit to bed. Tora is protective of Brooke and for her not to be feeling it with Lukas, something must be going on and I’m fucking dying to find out what. “Why don’t you approve of this guy anyway?” she asks. “From what I’ve heard, she really likes him. She told me the other night she thinks she could fall for him. Hell, she might already be there.”

Fuck me. She better not have fallen for him. That’s really going to fuck things up for me.

Tora groans. “Don’t tell me that. The guy is a serious loser.”

“Why?” I bark out before I even realizing what I’ve done. “What did he do to her?”

Tora looks across at me, clearly pissed off that I’ve been sticking my nose into her business, especially where Brooke is concerned and turns back to Courtney, leaving me desperate for answers.

Courtney ignores me just as Tora had but continues the conversation with no hint of lowering their voices, keeping the topic open to all. “He couldn’t be that bad,” Courtney comments.

Tora scoffs. “The guy cornered me in my kitchen in the middle of the night and asked me to sleep with him just minutes after being with Brooke. You know, like a two for one special.”

The fuck?

Nate’s hand tightens on Tora’s waist as Courtney’s eyes widen in surprise. My jaw clenches as I refrain from grabbing Tora and shaking the fucking details out of her. “What did you just say?” Nate demands, beating me to the fucking punchline.

“Nothing,” Tora rushes out, trying to defuse his anger.

“Nothing?” he repeats in outrage as I find myself creeping into the circle so I don’t miss a fucking word. “The guy came into your house in the middle of the night and tried to get you in bed, and you didn’t think it was necessary to mention that?”

“No, I did. I just…forgot. I was going to tell you.”

“Bullshit,” he argues. “You’ve been telling me all week how you’re upset about Brooke not talking to you and telling me what a douchebag the guy is. You didn’t forget, you just didn’t want to tell me.”

Fuck. This really is true. The guy really did approach Tora, meaning he’s been fucking around on my girl and that shit isn’t sitting well with me. He’s not going to get away with this, not if I have anything to do with it. Hell, I don’t even care if Tora’s story is only half true, I have to do something about this.

My hands ball into fists and as Nate and Tora argue over her forgetful tendencies. I find myself moving away from the group and before I know it, I’m in my car and tearing my way out of the races.

What the fuck am I going to do? Go to Brooke? No, I can’t do that. What am I supposed to say? Tora’s already talked to her about it and she didn’t believe her, and for me to even mention a word of it…well, she’ll probably just accuse me of gloating or rubbing it in. Besides, who am I to preach to Brooke about men screwing around on her?

That leaves me with one fucking option. Lukas.

Brooke has been through way too much pain in her life and it’s all because of me. She doesn’t deserve it. She deserves a man who’s loyal and will stand by her side, always raising her up, not some dickhead player like Lukas.

No one is going to get away with disrespecting her like that ever again, and if I can’t go straight to Brooke and convince her to stay away, then I’ll be seeing him and hoping he learns a fucking good lesson.

I pull up on his street, having no fucking idea which is his place, but upon seeing the front yard littered with red cups and beer bottles, it becomes pretty fucking obvious.

I park out front and force my way through the front door. “Yo,” I say to some dude who’s fucking around in the kitchen. “Lukas here?”

“Yeah, man. Upstairs. Third door on the right.”

I nod before flying up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. I get to his door and barge my way in to find Lukas spraying cologne all over himself, looking like he’s two seconds away from walking out of here and taking my girl on a date.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance