Page 97 of Too Much

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Even though it’s been over a year since they broke up, he never returned to pre-Kaya mode. Thankfully, he didn’t linger in the rage-filled during-Kayaphase. Now he’s just… on edge. Wary. Fire, brimstone and fucking death. He snaps faster than the naked eye can see.

“Obviously,” Theo drawls. “Thalia and Cassidy are close, and with Cass being Kaya’s bestie, I don’t know what to expect from Nico. Thalia doesn’t spend time with Kaya, I swear, but Nico might come to that conclusion.”

“Yeah, a heads up might not be a bad idea.”

Theo grinds his teeth, taking the phone out to dial the number. “Here goes nothing.” He straightens his spine, suddenly wound taut like bowstring when Nico answers. He’s not even here, but his commanding personality works over long distances just as well. “Hey, bro, listen—”

I leave him to it, entering the house to steal a few appetizers while the catering company gets ready. Thanks to Thalia’s excellent culinary skills that she passed down to the other cooks at the restaurant, the food tastes just like the heaven she serves when she invites us for dinner every now and then.

Even The Holy Trinity joins in more often now that they finally hit the age where all seven of us can sit in one room and talk like equals. They matured a lot since graduating high school and moving out of our parent’s house to live with Nico.

“What’s the verdict?” I ask when Theo strolls back inside, his face sullen. “Don’t tell me he’s not coming.”

“Oh, he’s coming. Took him a whole fucking minute to mule it over, though,” he snaps and follows it with a heavy sigh. “I hate choosing between either one of you or Thalia.”

“You’re not choosing. It’s not like you invited Kaya. Chill. There’ll be fifty people here, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll make sure Cass and Nico don’t cross paths, alright?”

“Yeah? You sure? I know you’re not a fan of hers either.”

That’s not entirely true.

Three years ago, Cass and I went out a few times for drinks. I even took her to dinner before we sealed the deal in bed. Newport Beach is small, though. My brothers found out we spent the evening at my favorite restaurant the very next day. Less than twelve hours after I claimed Cassidy’s beautiful, toned body, Theo informed me he got there first.

“I don’t mind her.” I rummage through the fridge on a hunt for a bottle of beer. “I’ve not talked to her since—” I apply the brakes before the end of that sentence slips out.

Theo and I both know when I talked to Cass last, and the subject is widely avoided: the night Nico caught Jared nailing Kaya. Cassidy was the one who randomly texted me a cryptic message that day after a year and a half of relative silence.

Cass: Nico should know something. Get him to the Country Club tonight at ten. Employee changing rooms. Delete this message. You don’t know this from me.

I took the bait. Cass failed to arm me with any specifics; she hadn’t mentioned Kaya or Jared, but she mentioned Nico, and deciphering the cryptic message proved all too easy. I wasn’t keen on Kaya from the start. I had a gnawing feeling she was cheating on my brother long before Cass sent that text.

What I never would’ve guessed is that Cruella DeMon was cheating with Nico’s best friend. God, it felt good to nail Jared’s stupid face. I never liked the prick. Nico steered out the first punch, butIbroke Jared’s nose, and Theo knocked out his front tooth. As a cop, Shawn stood to the side, turning a blind eye to the obvious violation of the law.

“Thanks. I owe you one,” Theo says. “Now help me with the wing chair.”

Why the hell did I answer when he called?

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