Page 110 of Beast

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Or maybe I was dying.


An animal-like moan made its way past my lips. “Adriiiik.”

Then everything went black.



It was slow going for the first several minutes as I tried to navigate my way through the cold, dark forest, heading north, using the flashlight to light my way. Everything looked the same in the woods, pine trees, thick underbrush, and fallen branches everywhere I looked. It would be all too easy to get lost out here. A few patches of snow still remained under the larger trees, but mostly, the ground was bare. The temperature, however, was near freezing, so I couldn’t be out here for too long or hypothermia could set in.

I kept on, moving slowly through the trees, my calf throbbing from the bullet wound.

Suddenly, a bright light clicked on, shining right in my face.

I lifted a hand to block the glare.

Damien materialized right in front of me, pointing a gun at me.

I blinked. He wasn’t wearing a mask this time.

He looked…like me, minus the ugly scars and deformities.

My chest tightened. My baby brother. All grown up.

He’s not the same.

“Damien,” I whispered.

“Adrik,” he replied, his voice mocking. “There you are, you ugly fucker. Ready to come to the house and play? The little piggy is waiting for you.”

He sounds like Papa. Mean and nasty.

He’s not the boy he once was.

Remember, he is the enemy.

Damien waved the gun at me, motioning me forward.

“After you,Beast.”

I hesitated, holding his stare. “What happened to you? Why are you doing this?”

His gaze hardened. “Whathappenedto me? Youleft, that’s what happened! Youabandonedme! You promised you’d come back for me, butyou never did. Youlied!”

I swallowed hard at the deranged look in his eyes. I sensed there was no talking him out of whatever he had planned. He was too far gone for that.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

He huffed. “Sure, you are, now that I’ve got you at gunpoint. But are youtrulysorry? No, I don’t think so. Now,move!” Damien smacked the butt of the gun into my back, forcing me to move forward.

I had to cooperate until he brought me to Annika.

After that, I would do whatever was necessary to free her.

Because I wouldkillfor her.

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance