Page 133 of Princess Fallen

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How then?How do I reach the vampire king?How do I reach my father?

How do I—


I’m on the ground with the wind knocked out of me.

Teeth scrape the flesh of my neck.

“Mmm.Royal blood...”

Seriously?This guy again?

“Fuck you!”I grit out.

Then I wince, waiting for the bite, until I remember—

He’s not allowed to harm me.None of them are.He all but admitted it before.

“Take me to my father,” I say.

“For the price of a few drops of blood.”

“Fuck you!”I yell again, and I gather everything in me—still fueled by Rogan’s blood—and I jump into a stand while grabbing the vamp’s own knife from my boot.I hold it to his exposed throat.“What would your king think if he knew you threatened to take his daughter’s blood?”

He spits at me—a loogie right on my cheek.

“Nice.”I hold back my gag and wipe his own spit on the leather collar of his tunic, all while still holding the blade to his neck.“Real nice.”

“You’re not one of us,” he grits out.“You’llneverbe one of us.”

“Nothing would please me more,” I say, “and if I could change my heritage, I would.But the fact remains that I’m the heir to the fucking vampire throne, and there's not a damned thing either of us can do about it.Now, you’re going to take me to my father, or I will open your throat and watch you die.And then I’ll cut out your fucking heart.”


You will not, Hannah.

You will not harm your own kind. Not for him.

My father’s voice in my head once more.

“I’m not harming him for Rogan, damn it!”I yell to the air.“But if you don’t show yourself, or if he doesn’t take me to you now, I will do it.I swear to God I will do it!”

“Fine,” the vamp chokes out.“I’ll take you to him.”

“Good.You’d better make it quick because my alpha wolf is coming after me any minute now.”

Rogan needs to either change or get dressed.Changing will take less time.I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t gotten here yet.

Which could mean...

No.Rogan is perfectly capable of taking care of himself.I can’t worry about him right now.I need to see my father.He has information I need.Or if he doesn’t?He’ll know who does.

He sent me to Rogan for a reason—a reason that had nothing to do with Rogan and me being mates.

He’ll jump through all kinds of hoops to get to you.


Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal