Page 132 of Princess Fallen

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I scramble out of the bunker and into the battle raging around me.

Rogan will come after me.I already know this, and he’ll scent me.Find me.

I can only hope that his love for me will convince him to do as I ask.To let me go.

I race quickly, dodging arrows and spears and flames.

I need to find my father, which means I need to escape the ether.

Of course, if I knew how to do that, I’d be back in the real world by now.

“Dad!”I yell.“Dad!It’s me, Hannah!I need to talk to you!”


Not that I expected anything.

Funny.If it were the other way around, all he’d need to do is summon me, and I’d come.I’m bound by blood.


Not anymore.I’m bound only to Rogan.

Does that mean my father won’t hear me?Won’t rescue me from the ether?Does he even have that power?

So much I don’t know.I had no idea the ether even existed mere days ago.

It was Rogan.Rogan’s love.Our bond that first brought us to the ether.Except that time it was lush and green.

Now it’s raging with weapons and fire.

If I can’t escape the battle, I’ll have to fight my way out.I still have my pistol and the knife I stole from the vampire—

And I remember.

My father.

My father’s voice, when I was ready to slice into the rogue vamp.

You will not, Hannah.

You will not harm your own kind. Not for him.

He can still reach me despite our broken bond.Perhaps, if I concentrate with everything I have, I can reach him.

It’s different.He’s the monarch.He’s the one who can force obedience.But I’m the heir to the vampire throne.I haven’t renounced my bond to my father, but my bond with Rogan has proved stronger.

Perhaps I must...

No, I can’t.I absolutely can’t do it.

I can’t renounce my bond with Rogan.It’s not possible.We’re mated.Fated mates.

But even if the bond exists, I could refuse to act on it.

I shake my head at the thought.I couldn’t if I tried.My connection with Rogan is bigger than either of us.

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal