Page 47 of Wild Bear Mates

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Vivica jumped out from behind the door. “Oh my God that was amazing! How did you do that?”

“Just knowing nature. Everything’s on the earth already. You just have to know how and when to use it.”

“You’re like a superhero! Now, how long are they going to be asleep?” Vivica eyed the bed nervously.

“Well, the dose that I gave you put you out for twelve hours. Their dose is ten times as strong, so I’m not really sure. But I think we’ll be okay until the guys return. I only wish I had some proof.”

Vivica held up her cell phone. “I taped the whole thing.”

“You fucking human, I love you!” I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed. Who knew obnoxious human inventions could have a worthy purpose.

“So what do we do now?”

“Just wait for the guys to come back and let them know what we’ve found out. We’ve done our job. It’s up to them to take care of the rest.”

And wait for them we did.


The guys didn’t return from battle for forty-eight hours. Luckily, Arkan and Kara still slumbered. We locked them in the bedroom and slept with knives on the couch just in case. When the guys arrived, they were shocked to know what had happened and extremely pissed that we’d disobeyed them. But, of course, they were grateful to know that we’d taken care of things while they were gone. And of course, Vivica had prepared a special surprise for them all. Once we’d explained everything, the men got to work taking Arkan and Kara to the Council. A few days later, their sentencing was broadcast. Ex-communication. Although I thought it was unfair that Arkan was punished along with her, I had no say in the matter. The tribe had little concern with influence. Actions were actions.

A week later

“Well, at least things are going to return to normal around here pretty quickly.” Gerard said over the dinner table. Well, that was my cue.

“Actually, I’ve been meaning to tell you all something.”

“Whatever it is dear, don’t worry. The past is in the past. We’re all gunning for a fresh start.” How hilarious. If he only knew how eternally intertwined the past and present were.

“You see that’s just it. I’m talking about something that happened in the past sure. But it affects us presently. And certainly, in the future.”

“Okay, well can you please spell it out for us. We’re more of the beefy than intellectual type.” Ian stuck out his tongue at me. Smart ass.

“I’ve gotten you all a gift. I think that will explain it better.” I passed around three gift bags. They all stared at me like I’d just punched them in the face. “Go ahead. Open them. They won’t bite.” I hope they appreciated my sense of humor. It wasn’t always something that I was celebrated for. Gerard was first to tear into his gift. He yanked the tissue paper from the bag and unfolded the tiny little garment. It was a onesie with the phrase, “Witch one of you is my daddy?” written on it.

“Oh my God!!!!!” Gerard screamed

“Are you sure?” Adam yelled.

Ian was busy unwrapping his, I’m over the moon for you, mug. “What are you guys yelling about, I don’t get it.”

Adam threw his gift at Ian. Ian unraveled the rolled-up print of a sonogram. “What is this an x-ray?”

“No you idiot! She’s having a baby!”

“Who?” Ian looked at Vivica. Geez.

“Me dummy!” I started laughing. We all stood up and gathered in a hug. “So, really, like how am I going to know which one of you is the father?”

“Does it matter?” Adam asked. Gerard looked at me. He knew what I had told him about Arkan. There was going to be some question as to who the child belonged to. Ian looked at me and said, “I don’t care which one of us knocked you up. I can’t wait to be a father.”

Gerard and Adam exchanged pained glances. What was that all about? The moment flickered and then they turned towards me with smiles. They were genuine, but something else was going on.

“We’re so incredibly happy for you.” Adam kissed me on the cheek. Gerard wrapped me in a tighter hug. They all turned to Vivica.

“I guess you’re next love. Get ready.” And they started making cat calls and whistling.

Vivica rolled her eyes. “Ya’ll are going to have to try a lot harder than that to get me in bed. I’ll let you know when I’m ready for some dick again.”

Tags: Lilly Wilder Erotic